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《National Geographic Traveller UK 国家地理旅行者》 2021年 1/2月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-12-10 5:20 已读 2705 次 2 赞  


Welcome to our 10th-anniversary issue! 6park.com

Somehow, despite all the challenges of recent months, we've managed to reach a decade in circulation - in no small part, down to you. Whether you've been with us since the very beginning or joined us along the way: thank you. The journey ahead may well continue to be bumpy, but we're hoping to guide you through this patch of turbulence. 6park.com

And with that in mind, this issue we reveal our Best of the World list. We've collaborated with the 15 other global edition of National Geographic Traveller to bring you the places we think should be on your radar in 2021 and beyond. 6park.com

Each of the 35 destinations has a story to tell for the year ahead. From the exploration of 'Africa's last Eden' in Gabon and the environmental efforts of Denver, Colorado, to the new England Coast Path, set to be the world's longest seafront walking trail when it launches later this year, the list is one to celebrate. It profiles conservation successes, cultural resilience and tales of communities overcoming daunting obstacles despite the pandemic. 6park.com

Our cover story highlights the extraordinary destinations we can look forward to visiting when the time comes. So here's to bright new horizons in 2021.

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https://vk.com/doc16929061_580294570?hash=5d5baf5dcf111859ca&dl=4aab0066c398a3d10a 6park.com


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