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《Reader's Digest USA 读者文摘美国版》 2020年 12月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-12-07 4:46 已读 1165 次  


“DUDE, DRIVE SAFE,” I said at the door of my son’s tiny old Subaru, which I’d helped him pack to the brim. Neil was moving 1,000 miles away, to Nashville. “You know I love you.” 6park.com

“Love you, too, Dad,” he replied, looking me in the eye. “I’m good.” 6park.com

And he was. 6park.com

When Neil came home in 2019 after a humbling final year in college, Susan and I didn’t much know him. He didn’t know himself either. But we were all willing to connect on an honest level. Susan and I listened better. He got sober and healthy in mind and body. Gradually, we felt like a team. 6park.com

The quarantine, which struck six months in, only helped us. We got into a day-to-day rhythm and learned how to back each other up. Neil had asked…

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