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《Reader's Digest Canada 读者文摘 加拿大版》 2020年 12月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-11-10 6:02 已读 923 次 1 赞  


Not Home for the Holidays

I need to apologize to my in-laws, the Finneys. This was supposed to be the Christmas we’d get to Cape Breton. We usually don’t because December flights are too expensive and the crummy weather means we’ll spend more time waiting on the tarmac than in the air, if the plane even manages to depart. But we swore that we’d make the effort this holiday. Our boy, now four, needs to see his nan and papa. Then 2020 happened and no one wants to sardine with strangers in a metal tube for two hours. Never mind that by visiting my in-laws we could be unwitting agents of infection—every report of a new outbreak seems to be blamed on a big family gathering. Which means we’ll be missing out again on his nan’s fish…

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