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《Harvard Business Review 哈佛商业评论》 2020年 11-12月号
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-11-06 7:17 已读 1546 次  


Why We’ve Stopped Ranking CEOs

Starting in 2014, HBR published an annual list called the Best-Performing CEOs in the World. The rankings, calculated by measuring financial returns during each CEO’s entire tenure and factoring in two assessments of each company’s environmental, social, and governance practices, helped drive discussion of how society should measure a business leader’s performance. The list was routinely one of the year’s most-read articles on HBR.org. 6park.com

But each year the CEOs on our list were overwhelmingly male and largely white, provoking criticism for a lack of diversity. And each year we explained why this was the case: Most of the S&P 1200 companies we analyzed were led by white male CEOs. 6park.com

Now, in the midst of a heightened global discourse on racial and gender equity, we have decided to break the cycle. Rather than publish a list that might be seen as celebrating the status quo, we will discontinue the ranking. It’s a small step, but we hope it is a meaningful one. 6park.com

Instead, in the pages that would have contained this year’s list, we do what HBR does best: publish articles that focus on research and best practices in management, including those aimed at eliminating gender and racial inequalities in the workplace. One example of this is “Getting Serious About Diversity,” by Robin Ely and David Thomas, which reexamines the business case for diversity—something every effective leader needs to understand. I urge you to read it.

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