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送交者: jameskelly[♂☆★★南约秘书长★★☆♂] 于 2020-11-02 19:20 已读 1234 次 1 赞  


最新书籍《战胜新冠病毒---生活教科书》(英文版) 6park.com

作者:Carey Kriz, Naiyer Imam and Sarah Zaidi (Editors)

The COVID-19 Living Textbook is prepared by 55 experts (medical doctors,  6park.com

social scientists, and medical students, who are experts in their field and many of  6park.com

them have been working on the frontline of the COVID-19 response). It is aimed at  6park.com

a wide range of audiences, including clinicians, public health specialists, social scientists,  6park.com

and the general public. Twenty-four chapters cover a range of topics that are  6park.com

divided into four sections. 6park.com


• Section 1: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 introduce SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, and  6park.com

include the timeline of events; the virology and immunopathology, transmission,  6park.com

prevention; and risk factors for COVID-19; and outpatient management  6park.com

of mild to moderate infection. 6park.com

• Section 2: Chapters 5–18, forming the bulk of the text, focus on the system  6park.com

responses by the body to COVID-19 and clinical management in hospitals,  6park.com

including in children and adolescents (Chapter 15). Chapter 17 discusses the  6park.com

management of severe cases of COVID-19, and Chapter 18, given the limited  6park.com

available data, examines postrecovery complications and long-term impacts,  6park.com

and compares it with the experience from SARS and MERS. 6park.com

• Section 3: Chapters 19, 20, and 21 review the situation with personal protective  6park.com

equipment, diagnostics, and treatments and vaccines. 6park.com

• Section 4: The final three chapters (Chapters 22–24) discuss the systemic discrimination  6park.com

and inequalities that put certain groups at greater risk for the disease,  6park.com

public policy making and leadership, and planning for future epidemics  6park.com

and pandemics as new viruses that make the interspecies jump to humans and  6park.com

begin another evolutionary path in a new host family. 6park.com



http://www.filefactory.com/file/6elpaj3jre0o/Breaking%20Down%20Covid-19_A%20Living%20Textbook_2020.pdf 6park.com

(注意:按动那个Slow Download 按钮,即可下载。) 6park.com

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