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《How It Works》 2020年 11月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-30 6:13 已读 1430 次 1 赞  


For the How It Works team and many of our readers in the Northern Hemisphere, the nights have been closing in and the weather has gotten a lot colder in recent weeks. Our feet and hands turn to the warmth of our hearths as our minds turn to ghost stories. Science, technology and nature have their fair share of spooky phenomena too, much of which isn't made any less weird of chilling by explaining them. We've described 20 of the world's creepiest curiosities for you in this Halloween-season issue of How It Works. So make yourself a hot drink, wrap yourself in your duvet and prepare to be trilled. Enjoy the issue!

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