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禅 - 简单生活的艺术 (摘抄)
送交者: 千晨临窗[♂★★2021新启程★★♂] 于 2020-10-13 13:34 已读 1716 次 1 赞  


有一次在书店看到这本书,觉得浮世绘封面很好看,所以买来翻了翻,然后就放着吃灰了。最近才又想起来,拿着看了看。这是一本日本禅师写的书, 由几十个小章节组成,每个章节讲一些感悟和修行之类的。这本书与西方的工具书有明显的风格差别,没有举例、论证、结论等东西,也没有阐述和勾勒一个理论系统,倒是有点像日记随想,或是两个人散步时的闲聊,一条条看起来也挺轻松。摘录了一些如下. 6park.com

Make time for emptiness - Any given day, a mere ten mins is all you need. Try making time for emptiness, for not thinking about anything (静坐冥想, 放空) 6park.com

Wake up a quarter earlier - In Japanese, the character for busy is written with the symbols for "lose" and "heart". When we are short on time, this scarcity extends to our heart as well, especially when things are hectic, you could try to lengthen your spine, take slow breaths from the point below your navel - once your breathing is in order, your mind will naturally settle into stillness as well.
Discard what you don't need (断舍离) - Discard your attachments, let go of your assumptions, reduce your possessions. Living simply is also about discarding your physical and mental burdens. 6park.com

Organize your desk - Take a look at the desks around you at the office. The people who always have tidy desks are most likely good at their jobs. In zen temples, monks do cleaning every morning and every evening. When clean with all our heart, though not because the template is dirty. The purpose is to polish our minds through the act of cleaning. (依旧觉得凌乱能产生动力...) 6park.com

Enjoy a Zen garden - Visiting any ancient city in Japan gives us the chance to appreciate the gardens of Zen temples. Let's consider a sumi-e ink painting of Bodhidharma done by a famous Japanese painter. From this painting, there's definitive expression of that creator's mastery of a Zen state, which is also called Buddha mind. (不用远行, 有禅境小花园也可以) 6park.com


Don't Fixate on right and wrong - Buddhism is an extremely tolerant religion. We don't think in terms of black and white. Things don't need to be defined as right or wrong. Instead of coming down on one side or the other, a compromise may be the best way. 6park.com

Think simple - don't keep expanding your list of new desires, focus more on what you have than what you need. You might expect to be satisfied with a decision, but in the end, it turns out to not satisfactory to you, because you want to have more. Usually when you're uncertain which way to go, simplicity is the best way. 6park.com

Do not fear of change - With the arrival of spring, the glory of the cherry blossoms in full bloom makes the heart leap. What the people prize most is the fragility of the cherry blossom's beauty. The blossoms are lovely because of their evanescence - we sense in them the ephemerality of life. 6park.com

Believe in yourself - obviously it will rob you of your self-confidence if you don't trust yourself. When you give up, your potential drops to 0. In Zen we say "all things come from nothingness". These words apply to human nature. We are all born naked without any possessions. Look at another way, you could also say that it's precisely when we have nothing that our potential is unlimited. So believe in yourself. 6park.com

Make Distinctions - try erecting gates in your mind. For example, the threshold of your home constitutes the first gate. When you leave home and cross this first gate, thoughts of work start to form in your head. The door of your car or the train is the second gate. Once you cross it, you begin planning out your work day. Finally when you arrive at your office and cross the third gate, you're ready to focus on your work. You pick up the stress when you enter the gate and leave it there when you exit. (想到了罗生门) 6park.com


贴主:千晨临窗于2020_10_13 13:35:04编辑
贴主:千晨临窗于2020_10_13 13:57:45编辑
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