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《Reader's Digest Australia 读者文摘 澳大利亚版》 2020年 10月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-10-07 10:12 已读 1069 次 1 赞  


It's a Surprising World

IT’S NO SE­CRET THAT CRIME SELLS. We love to watch it on stage, on small and big screens, as well as read crime nov­els and lis­ten to true crime pod­casts. Mur­ders, rob­beries and in­trigu­ing mil­lion-dol­lar di­a­mond and art heists are al­ways pop­u­lar. Less com­mon are crimes against sci­ence. This month’s Bonus Read is about a very un­usual crime in­volv­ing a young tal­ented mu­sic stu­dent, not a typ­i­cal crim­i­nal pro­file. ‘The Case of the Bro­ken Win­dow’ (page 124) tells the story of how this un­typ­i­cal thief com­mit­ted a grave crime against the calm, stu­dious and in­of­fen­sive world of zo­ol­ogy. 6park.com

Not stray­ing too far from the amaz­ing and of­ten-un­be­liev­able zoo­log­i­cal world is this month’s Drama in Real Life, ‘Marlin At­tack!’ (page 40). When three men headed out on a spearfish­ing trip, noth­ing, not even the weeks of care­ful plan­ning, could have pre­pared them for the un­ex­pected and ran­dom at­tack they en­coun­tered dur­ing a beau­ti­ful morn­ing in the wa­ters of the Pa­cific Ocean. 6park.com

Stay­ing on the sub­ject of the un­pre­dictable, in ‘If You Don’t Like It, Turn Over’ (page 32), celebrity chef Gor­don Ram­say, known round the world for his hon­esty, and rugged ap­proach to life, shares his per­spec­tive on the suc­cess he’s had in front of the cam­era and his need to make kitchens run smoothly, de­spite the chaos. 6park.com

These sto­ries, and much more, are in this month’s edi­tion.

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