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《Reader's Digest UK 读者文摘英国版》 2020年 9月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-09-23 8:30 已读 719 次  


The Pecking Order

We have purchased some chickens. As pets. This was not my idea. But, when it became apparent we were going to be spending spring confined to our garden, with two kids to entertain, amidst an egg shortage on Ocado… it seemed churlish to object. 6park.com

They are called Skye and Flower. That wasn’t my idea, either. Harvey (our four-year-old) initially christened them Skye and Rubble, after his two favourite characters on Paw Patrol; then changed Rubble’s name to Flower once he realised that he was a girl (he could have re-named her Everest, after the other female puppy in Paw Patrol, or even Chickaletta, after the character who is an actual chicken, but que sera)...

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https://vk.com/doc16929061_564735510?hash=f9038d104e61a2687e&dl=2ed8786b7e2383648d 6park.com


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