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《Reader's Digest Australia 读者文摘》 2020年 8月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-09-18 8:23 已读 1032 次 1 赞  


Paying It Forward

THE POSITIVE BENEFITS OF GIVING BACK, returning a favour and paying it forward are values Reader’s Digest celebrates. Repaying a good deed with kindness to others can be a powerful force. It’s something our hero in this month’s Drama in Real Life, ‘Nature’s Deadly Venom’ (page 38) by Diane Godley, proved was possible even after the most harrowing of experiences. Not many victims of a deadly funnel-web spider bite would want to see another of the little creatures ever again. Not so Adrian Main, who saw the need to help scientists continue producing the life-saving antivenom that spared him from death. Today, he regularly ventures out to collect funnel-web spiders and delivers them, unharmed, to be milked to create future antivenom. The capacity to give back in this way has helped Adrian make sense of his ordeal - and being able to turn something unfortunate into good has helped his recovery. 6park.com

With the flow of ev­ery­day life slowly re­sum­ing to a steady pace, the world we now find our­selves in has changed. Even if your slice of the world hasn’t changed too much, then most likely your per­cep­tion of it has. Maybe, like Gina Hamadey, the au­thor of ‘My Thank You Year’ (page 26), you’ve ex­pe­ri­enced a change of heart about a few things, and come to value the small things, which Gina proves, re­ally mat­ter. 6park.com

This month’s is­sue has plenty of help­ful ad­vice (‘Watch What You Eat’, page 104), amaz­ing ad­ven­tures (‘A Mes­sage in a Bot­tle’, page 81) and a few good laughs (‘Phat Phil’s Road to Slim’, page 98). There’s plenty of great read­ing guar­an­teed to en­ter­tain the en­tire fam­ily.

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