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《Reader's Digest UK 读者文摘英国版》 2020年 8月刊
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-09-15 9:09 已读 1938 次 1 赞  


Gordon Ramsay: “If You Don't Like It, Turn Over”

Why is Gordon Ramsay’s approach to his craft, his business and life itself confrontational and committed, yet utterly compelling? 6park.com

Read up on the great philosophers, or listen to one of our astute thinkers of the modern era, and most will tell you that arrogance is a shield to a lack of knowledge and some very deep-seated insecurities. 6park.com

That makes understanding Gordon Ramsay something of a conundrum. Even the chef and restaurateur’s greatest admirers recognise a sense of haughtiness in the make-up of someone who has persistently hunted down the next challenge. 6park.com

The most decorated chefs are where they are because of their ability to perform, manage and excel in one of the most stressful work environments imaginable. 6park.com

“I’m the same as anyone else,” says Ramsay. “I’m the product of discipline, bloody-mindedness, passion, being organised, being clear in my goal, and perhaps even a bit of selfishness. You know, success won’t just fall onto your lap—you’re going to have to work f*****g hard for it; but I will guarantee you that with the right amount of effort and a basic requirement that you’re not an idiot, you can get somewhere… anyone can.” 6park.com

Of course, the Gordon Ramsay we encounter away from the pressured atmosphere of the restaurant is very different to that bullish, bulldozing, bombastic character who stomps, swears and curses his way through various globally distributed television series and concepts. 6park.com

Without for a moment suggesting the 53-year-old Scot is softening in his middle years, in conversation he is reflective, grateful for what he has, loving and funny… although still unapologetically brash. 6park.com

“My advice on this one has always been the same,” he says, addressing his love of an expletive. “If you don’t like it, turn over. You have to appreciate the pressures of the kitchen and that environment. It looks like a lovely serene, woolly, fluffy place frontof-house and that’s the whole point—you wouldn’t want to keep turning up for meals where the staff were ripping shreds off one another; but it needs to be high pressure out the back. And only when you’ve seen that situation do you really appreciate what it is we go through. 6park.com

“It’s stress—pure, unadulterated stress. It’s not pleasant for anyone, and someone being offended by an expletive is really going to be the least of my f*****g worries!” 6park.com

Through all his crudeness, in 2020 Gordon Ramsay’s eponymous empire is a meticulously curated, globally renowned brand. Much of that is down to its founder’s measured pursuit of what he is good at—never allowing the lure of expansion to divert him into areas outside his comfort zone, he’s always acted quickly when challenges approached. And never was critical action more required than in spring this year when the coronavirus pandemic struck...

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