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Japan Eats!: An Explorer
送交者: 边疆大将[★最强攻击★] 于 2020-08-23 12:52 已读 543 次 2 赞  


For first-time visitors and seasoned gourmets alike, Japan Eats! is an entertaining guide to the pleasures and pitfalls of dining in Japan—with hilarious insights and tips not found in other books. Whether it's the proper technique for holding chopsticks or the etiquette of slurping soup, author Betty Reynolds reassures the bewildered and includes mini-lessons on how to read the curtains at the entrance, the menus on the wall, and even the signs on the bathroom doors! 6park.com

What are uni sea urchins and how do you eat them? What are "dancing shrimp"? What is the difference between tonkatsu and takoyaki? Do you pick them up with your fingers? Which sauce to use? And just what is in that sauce? From world-famous sushi to fatally attractive fugu, it's all explained clearly and humorously in this sketchbook filled with charming full-color illustrations and insightful texts. 6park.com

So don't be intimidated—dive in! You are bound to have endless food adventures in Japan. This book shows you how. 6park.com


贴主:边疆大将于2020_08_23 12:56:52编辑
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