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《How to Be a Math Genius 如何成为数学天才》 2012年
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2020-08-15 5:54 已读 1376 次 2 赞  













Learn how your amazing brain works and give it a power boost with a variety of exciting challenges, puzzles and codes to crack! 6park.com

In this clever, compelling math book, young readers previously daunted by algebra, logic, algorithms, and all things math will discover they are far better at it than they thought. Count on this essential book to make math more magical and memorable than ever before. 6park.com

Could it be? An exciting, brain training book about math?! 6park.com

Leave all your assumptions about math at the door, because this fun-filled visual guide will bring out your inner brilliance through a plethora of fun exercises including tantalising tests, codes to crack, puzzles to solve, and illusions to inspire you along the way. 6park.com

One of an educational series of captivating and comprehensive books for kids, How to be a Math Genius introduces the wonders of numbers through an exploration of amazing algebra, puzzling primes, super sequences, and special shapes. Put your brain to the test with a variety of exciting activities, challenges, tips, and tricks. 6park.com

Meet the big names and even bigger brains who made mathematical history, such as Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, and Alan Turing. This fantastic math book combines fun and facts in one complete package. 6park.com

Whether you're a math mastermind, numbers nerd, or completely clueless with calculations, train your brain to come out on top. 6park.com

Put Your Brain To the Test – Unleash Your Inner Genius! 6park.com

It’s your brain and it's yours to train! 6park.com

Whoever said math couldn't be an adventure? Put your brain to the test and see how it measures up to a series of number games, logic problems, shape puzzles, and fun activities that will boost your brain cells. A delightfully put together kid’s math book, designed to interest the young brain, with vivid imagery, fun points, and kid friendly language on concepts that can sometimes be a challenge. 6park.com

As an added bonus, there are loads of ideas for science projects too! As you'll learn in this math book - science and math go hand in hand. A great addition to any math and science classroom, or the perfect gift for the learner who needs a little motivation to get into learning math. 6park.com

This educational book for children opens the world of numbers through: 6park.com

- Understanding your brain and math 6park.com

- Discovering Pythagoras, number patterns and thinking outside the box 6park.com

- Exploring magic squares, infinity and number tricks

文件大小: 39.8 MB
Publisher: DK Children; 37307th edition (August 20, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0756697964
ISBN-13: 978-0756697969

PDF 下载链接:

https://vk.com/doc270219984_563690913?hash=f306bbeb54bd1bc2a9&dl=e5f537244bd46357e9 6park.com


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