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送交者: 重烟[布政使★★☆] 于 2016-10-21 11:08 已读 2902 次  


I received the e-mail talking about delivering the package several times without finding me at home and not the could find, does not answer the phone either. 
Here is my story talking about the truth:
First, the address that I left is my companies address in which I work in. It´s a hostel business and it´s opened 24-7. 
Second, my cell phone, never, but never received any phone call from your post company. 
Third, on the 26th of September, I ordered another package from Amazon. and on the 27th of September, I ordered another package from Amazon . These two orders arrived on time without any problems.  
If you believe in my story, I want to ask, since it´s not my fault that I didn´t recieve the package, I think I don´t have to pay more money for the transportation. I already paid 141.86 euros for the products and 14 euros for the transportation. In total it was 155.86 euros. Would you send the package again with another post company?
I will be waiting for the answer.
Kind regards;
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