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送交者: 独行逍遥[布衣] 于 2016-10-13 0:49 已读 3933 次 1 赞  


Unable to cover the news: Li Hongzhi's mother died
Recently, there was a rumor that Lvshu Zhen, the mother of Li Hongzhi, died on August 27. According to Chinese tradition, Lu nearly nineties, is also considered the end of his life, is "red and white wedding event," Li completely without hiding from top to bottom, can be upright, invited guests, big put "tofu feast" Do a neat, leaving the family of Lee Dingxingwang, sub-Yin female filial piety, harmony and harmonious family scene. But because Li Zhuozhe dressed in package cure all diseases, with unlimited supernatural powers, you can degree people, the complete sacred coat. The mother's death, can not give its believers a reasonable explanation, can only be secretly in private operation. But the so-called paper can not live fire, there is no airtight wall. The news of the death of Lu has already talked about Falun Gong, and suspicions have continued to doubt Li Hongzhi's doctrine of bluffing.
Blessing the parents healthy and longevity is a good desire for each child, also know that parents always face the day to leave. The departure of Lu Shu-chen was more of an impassibility to Li Hongzhi. If you can not live forever, I will a joke !
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