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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-15 23:18 已读 3753 次 1 赞  


With America Off-Limits, China EV Makers Aim to Conquer Rest of World



在拜登政府宣布措施以阻碍中国产电动汽车进入美国市场后,中国车企将把重点放在美国以外的全球其他市场。 6park.com

Chinese automakers will focus on global markets outside the U.S. now that the Biden administration has declared America off-limits to made-in-China electric cars. 6park.com

美国政府周二宣布将对中国产电动汽车征收100%的关税,这对中国车企来说更多的是一种象征性打击,而不是实实在在的冲击。中国车企在美国几乎没有什么业务,而且已然认识到美国市场的政治障碍是不可逾越的。 6park.com

The 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs announced Tuesday in Washington are more of a symbolic blow than a practical one for Chinese carmakers. They have almost no business in the U.S. and already recognized that the political hurdles to entering the market were insurmountable. 6park.com

分析人士说,被华盛顿冷落并不会改变中国电动车企称霸全球的雄心,但将促使它们做出一些调整。中国车企将重视新兴市场,并尽可能实现本地化生产,争取获得那些对中国电动汽车持更开放态度的政府的好感。 6park.com

The cold shoulder from Washington won’t change Chinese EV makers’ ambitions for global dominance, analysts said, but it will spur adjustments. The companies will emphasize emerging markets and localize production where possible, seeking to woo governments that are more open to Chinese EVs. 6park.com

一些中国车企可能会专注于提供电动汽车技术,这种做法可以减少政治阻力,并提供一条可在美国开展业务的间接途径。 6park.com

And some companies might focus on supplying EV technology, an approach that could lessen the political backlash and offer an indirect path to U.S. business. 6park.com

咨询公司罗兰贝格(Roland Berger)驻上海的全球董事总经理Denis Depoux说,中国企业在开辟市场方面走的是非常务实的路线。 6park.com

“Chinese companies are very pragmatic about their routes to market,” said Denis Depoux, a Shanghai-based global managing director at consulting firm Roland Berger. 6park.com

加征关税的举措反映出美国担忧经常享受政府补贴的中国电动车企将试图在美国倾销汽车,从而抢占市场份额。 6park.com

The tariffs reflect concern in the U.S. that Chinese EV makers, which often enjoy government subsidies, would try to dump their vehicles in America to grab market share. 6park.com

欧洲已在去年开始对中国的电动汽车补贴启动调查,预计将在未来几个月对中国产电动汽车征收关税。 6park.com

Europe, for its part, opened a probe last year into Chinese electric-vehicle subsidies that is expected to result in tariffs in the coming months. 6park.com

咨询公司Trivium China的副总监Cory Combs说,得益于美国施加的关税,美国汽车制造商在面对来自中国的低成本竞争时将受到保护。但从另一面来看的话,他表示,美国消费者将无法获得全球质量最佳、而价格却最便宜的电动汽车。 6park.com

Thanks to America’s tariffs, U.S. carmakers will enjoy protection against low-cost Chinese competition. The flip side: “U.S. consumers will not have access to the world’s highest-quality and least-expensive electric vehicles,” said Cory Combs, associate director at the consulting firm Trivium China. 6park.com

在中国,领先的电动汽车制造商比亚迪推出了一款紧凑车型,单次充电的续航里程约为200英里,售价还不到1万美元。在中国,比亚迪的一款续航里程约为340英里的高端海豹轿车起售价约为2.5万美元。特斯拉的网站显示,在美国,续航里程类似的特斯拉Model 3轿车的销售标价约为4.3万美元。 6park.com

In China, the leading EV maker, BYD, offers a compact model with a range of about 200 miles on a single charge for the equivalent of less than $10,000. A version of its higher-end Seal sedan, with a range of around 340 miles, starts at around $25,000 in China. In the U.S., a version of Tesla’s Model 3 sedan with a similar range has a price tag of around $43,000, the carmaker’s website showed. 6park.com

中国商务部发言人表示,美方提高关税是出于国内政治考虑。 6park.com

A Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesperson said the U.S. tariff increase was a result of domestic political considerations.



尽管面临地缘政治的不利因素,中国车企仍然渴望走向海外,希望成为下一个特斯拉或丰田汽车。在追赶美国、欧洲、日本和韩国汽车制造商数十年之后,中国车企在电动汽车领域打造出了具有全球竞争力的产品。 6park.com

Despite the geopolitical headwinds, Chinese carmakers are still eager to go overseas, aspiring to be the next Tesla or Toyota Motor. After decades of chasing American, European, Japanese and South Korean carmakers, they have found a globally competitive product in their EVs. 6park.com

在中国国内,有100多个电动汽车厂商都在激烈争夺这块市场,价格和利润率双双下降。中国车企目前的产能超过了国内需求,于是把目光投向了海外,认为国外市场的利润更高,竞争也不那么激烈。 6park.com

At home in China, more than 100 EV brands are battling for a slice of the pie, driving down prices and profitability. China’s capacity is running above domestic demand, and makers are looking abroad, where they believe margins will be higher and the competition less fierce. 6park.com

过去三年间,中国的汽车出口量几乎增加了四倍,到2023年达到了约500万辆。许多出口汽车是运往俄罗斯的燃油汽车,其他则是销往东南亚、欧洲和其他地区的电动汽车。 6park.com

China’s car exports have nearly quintupled over the past three years to about five million vehicles in 2023. While many are gasoline-powered cars shipped to Russia, others are EVs sent to Southeast Asia, Europe and elsewhere. 6park.com

另一种策略是在中国以外愿意接纳中国品牌电动汽车的市场开设工厂。比亚迪正在巴西、匈牙利、泰国和乌兹别克斯坦开设新工厂,并考虑在墨西哥开设一家工厂。中国汽车生产商奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)计划与西班牙合作伙伴Ebro-EV Motors合作,在西班牙生产汽车。 6park.com

Another tactic is to open factories outside China in markets that are receptive to Chinese-branded EVs. BYD is opening new factories in Brazil, Hungary, Thailand and Uzbekistan and considering one in Mexico. The Chinese carmaker Chery Automobile plans to build cars in Spain with a local partner, Ebro-EV Motors.


拜登政府的上述举措并未直接涉及中国电动车企在墨西哥开设工厂并设法跨境向美国输送的情况。从书面上来看,这种汽车可能享受低关税。 6park.com

The Biden administration’s move doesn’t say anything directly about a scenario in which a Chinese EV maker opens a plant in Mexico and tries to ship cars across the border to U.S. consumers. On paper, such cars could enjoy low tariffs. 6park.com

但分析人士说,华盛顿可能会阻止任何中国品牌的电动汽车进入美国境内的汽车展厅。周二的举动表明,为了打击白宫所谓的中国“人为压低价格的出口产品”,美国会采取在美国看来合理的激进策略。 6park.com

But analysts said Washington was likely to block any Chinese-branded EVs from getting into U.S. showrooms. Tuesday’s move showed the type of aggressive tactics the U.S. now considers fair game to combat what the White House called “artificially low-priced exports” from China. 6park.com

拜登和他可能在11月大选面对的共和党籍对手特朗普(Donald Trump)都已表示,中国汽车生产商在墨西哥的任何工厂都可能被征收高额关税。 6park.com

Both Biden and his likely Republican rival in November, former President Donald Trump, have suggested that any Mexican plants owned by Chinese carmakers could be hit with high tariffs. 6park.com

欧洲的决策者虽然也在考虑对中国制造的电动汽车征收关税,但对此事的看法与美国不同。分析人士说,欧洲决策者希望促使中国企业在欧洲建厂,而不是完全阻止中国品牌的汽车。 6park.com

European policymakers, while weighing tariffs on China-made EVs, see the matter differently from the U.S. They want to induce Chinese companies to build factories in Europe rather than blocking Chinese-branded vehicles altogether, analysts said. 6park.com

在中国领导人习近平本月访问欧洲期间,法国财政部长勒梅尔(Bruno Le Maire)表示,欢迎包括比亚迪在内的中国车企在法国开展工业项目。 6park.com

During Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe this month, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said China’s auto industry, including BYD, was welcome to pursue industrial projects in France. 6park.com

在4月份举行的北京车展上,一些中国汽车生产商表达了在海外生产的长期意向。其中包括由中国吉利汽车(Geely Automobile)投资的电动汽车品牌极氪(Zeekr)和电动汽车初创企业小鹏汽车(Xpeng)。 6park.com

At the Beijing auto show in April, some Chinese carmakers expressed longer-term interest in producing overseas. Among them were the electric-vehicle brand Zeekr, backed by China’s Geely Automobile, and the EV startup Xpeng.


至于在美国生产汽车,中国公司面临的障碍很多。即使美国政府允许在美国设厂,中国车企也要应对工人招聘、工会压力、文化差异和美国本土可能出现的抵制等情况;在当前环境下,美国政府是否会允许中国企业在美国设厂还是个未知数。 6park.com

When it comes to making cars in the U.S., hurdles are high for Chinese companies. Even if Washington permitted them to set up factories—itself a question mark in the current environment—they would have to deal with worker recruitment, pressure to accept unions, cultural differences and potential local backlash.


特朗普3月在俄亥俄州的一场竞选集会上说,如果中国公司使用美国工人,他将欢迎这些公司在美国建汽车厂。 6park.com

Trump said at a March campaign rally in Ohio that he would welcome Chinese companies’ building car factories in the U.S. if they used American workers. 6park.com

中国企业进军包括美国在内的海外市场的一个途径,是销售操作系统或电池等电动汽车相关技术。 6park.com

One approach for Chinese companies to overseas markets, including the U.S., is selling EV-related technology such as operating systems or batteries. 6park.com

中国的宁德时代(CATL)已经在与特斯拉和其他汽车生产商谈判,希望在美国授权该公司动力电池技术,而不是在美国建立自己的动力电池工厂。 6park.com

China’s CATL has been in talks with Tesla and other automakers to license its battery technology in the U.S., instead of building its own battery plant there. 6park.com

另一条途径是与非中国车企合作。中国电动汽车初创企业零跑汽车(Leapmotor)和Jeep的母公司Stellantis周二表示,双方将于9月开始在欧洲销售零跑汽车面向大众市场的电动汽车。这两家公司表示,不包括美国在内的其他全球市场将很快跟进。 6park.com

Another route is partnerships with a non-Chinese carmaker. Leapmotor, a Chinese EV startup, and Jeep’s parent, Stellantis, said Tuesday that they would start selling Leapmotor’s mass-market EVs in Europe in September. Other global markets—but not the U.S.—will follow soon after, the companies said. 6park.com

这些电动汽车将从中国出口,或由Stellantis在世界各地的工厂生产。去年,Stellantis表示将向零跑汽车投资15亿欧元(合16亿美元)。 6park.com

Those EVs would be exported from China or made at Stellantis plants around the world. Last year Stellantis said it was investing €1.5 billion, the equivalent of $1.6 billion, in Leapmotor. 6park.com

Stellantis的首席执行官唐唯实(Carlos Tavares)将该策略称为一种适应不同关税情境的方式。 6park.com

Stellantis Chief Executive Carlos Tavares described the strategy as a way to accommodate different duties scenarios.

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