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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-13 23:37 已读 2804 次 1 赞  


France Secures $16 Billion From Microsoft, Amazon and Others at Foreign Investment Summit



在巴黎郊外举行的一次峰会上,法国从美国科技巨头和其他公司获得150亿欧元(约合161.6亿美元)的投资承诺,凸显出法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron to)为吸引国际投资而采取的行动。 6park.com

France bagged €15 billion ($16.16 billion) of investment commitments from U.S. tech giants and other companies at a summit just outside of Paris, underscoring a push from President Emmanuel Macron to promote the country as an attractive destination for international investors. 6park.com

在凡尔赛宫举行的“选择法国”(Choose France)峰会上,主要投资者包括微软(Microsoft)、亚马逊(Amazon.com)、辉瑞(Pfizer)和阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)等公司。该活动被称为法国的小型达沃斯(Davos),吸引了愿意对法国经济投入资金的知名企业高管。 6park.com

Microsoft, Amazon.com, Pfizer and AstraZeneca were among the top investors at the Choose France summit held at the Palace of Versailles. Dubbed France’s mini Davos, the event draws high-profile executives willing to pour funds into the French economy. 6park.com

马克龙是在担任法国总统的第一个任期中于2018年发起这一峰会的,其目的是将法国打造成一个对外国投资者有吸引力的中心。他在X网站上发帖称,今年的峰会将带来创纪录的150亿欧元的投资,并创造1万个新的就业机会。 6park.com

Macron launched the summit in 2018 during his first term as president in an effort to portray France as an attractive hub for foreign investors. In a post on X, he said this year’s summit would bring in a record €15 billion in investments and create 10,000 new jobs. 6park.com

长期以来,巴黎一直落后于纽约等主要金融中心,但上述投资承诺数额标志着,许多外国投资者已经认可法国是欧洲的一个重要中心。 6park.com

Paris has long lagged behind major financial centers like New York, but the amount in investment commitments marks an endorsement of France as a key hub for many foreign investors in Europe. 6park.com

根据安永(EY)近期的一项调查,法国是欧洲对国际投资者吸引力最大的国家,排在德国和英国之前。调查得出的结论是,大多数受访者认为法国在未来三年将更具吸引力,尤其是那些不在法国或尚未在法国设立公司的受访者。 6park.com

The country ranks as the most attractive in Europe for international investors, according to a recent EY survey, putting it ahead of Germany and the U.K. The survey concluded that most respondents, particularly those outside of or not yet established in France, believe the country will become more attractive over the next three years. 6park.com

微软总裁布拉德.史密斯(Brad Smith)周一表示,该公司将投资40亿欧元在法国扩建AI、数据中心和云基础设施。 6park.com

On Monday, Microsoft President Brad Smith said the tech giant would invest €4 billion to build out artificial-intelligence, data-center and cloud infrastructure in the country. 6park.com

亚马逊国际商店高级副总裁Russ Grandinetti表示,该公司将投资超过12亿欧元,用于加强Amazon Web Services的云基础设施、物流基础设施和AI。 6park.com

Russ Grandinetti, senior vice president of international stores at Amazon, said the e-commerce giant would invest more than €1.2 billion to bolster its Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure, logistics infrastructure and artificial intelligence. 6park.com


摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、埃森哲(Accenture)和卡塔尔投资局(Qatar Investment Authority)也做出了投资承诺。 6park.com

JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Accenture and the Qatar Investment Authority also made a number of investment commitments. 6park.com

药企方面,辉瑞(Pfizer)法国总裁Reda Guiha表示,法国已经建立了一个稳固的生物制药生态系统,有利于肿瘤学等领域的创新。作为五年研发计划的一部分,这家新冠疫苗制造商将投资5亿欧元。 6park.com

On the pharmaceutical front, Pfizer France President Reda Guiha said the country had developed a solid biopharmaceutical ecosystem that was benefiting innovation in fields like oncology. The maker of the Covid-19 vaccine is investing €500 million as part of a five-year plan to strengthen research and development. 6park.com

竞争对手阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)则表示,将投入3.88亿美元进一步开发位于法国北部敦刻尔克的生产基地。法国制药集团赛诺菲(Sanofi)将投资超过10亿欧元提高生产能力。 6park.com

Sanofi, the French pharma group, will spend more than €1 billion on ramping up production capability. Meanwhile, Anglo-Swedish rival AstraZeneca said it would pour $388 million to further develop its production site in Dunkirk, northern France.

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