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双语资讯速览 | 以色列无视国际谴责,命令更多巴勒斯坦人撤离拉法
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-13 18:54 已读 2885 次 1 赞  




Vladimir Putin has replaced two of his longest-serving security officials in a surprise reshuffle, suggesting the Russian president is dissatisfied with the handling of his two-year invasion of Ukraine. 6park.com

弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)在一次出人意料的人事调整中撤换了两名任职时间最长的安全官员,这表明俄罗斯总统对俄乌战争两年来的战果感到不满。 6park.com

Putin, who was sworn in for a fifth term in office earlier this week extending his quarter-century rule until at least 2030, has moved Sergei Shoigu, the defence minister since 2012, to become head of Russia’s security council on Sunday, according to the upper house of parliament. 6park.com

上周早些时候,普京宣誓就职,开始其第五个总统任期,将其持续25年的统治延长至至少2030年。据议会上院称,普京已于上周日任命自2012年以来一直担任国防部长的谢尔盖•绍伊古(Sergei Shoigu)为俄罗斯安全会议负责人。 6park.com

Andrei Belousov, a deputy prime minister and longtime economic adviser to Putin, is to replace Shoigu. 6park.com

俄罗斯副总理、普京的长期经济顾问安德烈•别洛乌索夫(Andrei Belousov)将取代绍伊古出任国防部长。 6park.com

——本文2024年5月13日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Putin replaces security chiefs in surprise reshuffle



Israel fought fresh battles with Hamas in northern Gaza on Sunday after ordering tens of thousands more people to flee Rafah as it expanded its assault on the densely populated southern city despite international condemnation. 6park.com

上周日,以色列与哈马斯在加沙北部展开了新一轮战斗。此前以色列不顾国际社会的谴责,扩大了对人口密集的南部城市拉法的进攻,并命令数万人逃离拉法。 6park.com

The Israel Defense Forces said on social media on Saturday that Palestinians should leave three districts close to the centre of Rafah and two refugee camps in the city. It instructed them to move to what Israel described as a “humanitarian area” on the coast. 6park.com

以色列国防军上周六在社交媒体上表示,巴勒斯坦人应该离开拉法市中心附近的三个地区和该市的两个难民营。它指示他们转移到以色列所称的沿海“人道主义区域”。 6park.com

“Our operations against Hamas in Rafah remain limited in scope and focus on tactical advances, tactical adjustments, and military advantages — and have avoided densely populated areas,” Daniel Hagari, the chief IDF spokesperson, said on Saturday night. 6park.com

以色列国防军首席发言人丹尼尔•哈加里(Daniel Hagari)上周六晚表示:“我们在拉法对哈马斯的行动范围仍然有限,重点放在战术推进、战术调整和军事优势上,并避开了人口稠密地区。” 6park.com

——本文2024年5月13日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Israel defies international censure and orders more Palestinians to evacuate Rafah



Joe Biden’s re-election prospects are being dogged by persistent fears over inflation, with 80 per cent of voters saying high prices are one of their biggest financial challenges, according to a new poll for the Financial Times. 6park.com

选民对通胀的持续担忧正在拖累乔•拜登(Joe Biden)的连任前景。英国《金融时报》进行的一项最新调查显示,80%的选民表示,高物价是他们面临的最大财务挑战之一。 6park.com

The findings, contained in the latest FT-Michigan Ross poll, come amid signs in recent months that inflation is rising again despite falling steadily last year. They reverse recent gains the US president had made among the electorate about his handling of the US economy. 6park.com

英国《金融时报》与密歇根大学罗斯商学院(University of Michigan Ross School of Business)联合进行的最新民调显示,尽管去年通胀稳步下降,但近几个月有迹象表明通胀正再次上升。这扭转了拜登最近因其处理美国经济的方式在选民中取得的支持。 6park.com

The survey found voters are growing less supportive of the president’s economic policies, with 58 per cent of voters disapproving of his handling of the economy, up from 55 per cent last month — 40 per cent approved. Only 28 per cent of voters said Biden had helped the economy — a drop of four points compared to last month. 6park.com

调查发现,选民对拜登经济政策的支持率越来越低,58%的选民不赞成他对经济的处理方式,高于上个月的55%——40%的选民赞成。只有28%的选民认为拜登对经济有所帮助——与上个月相比下降了4个百分点。 6park.com

——本文2024年5月13日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Support for Joe Biden’s economic policies wanes amid inflation fears, FT poll finds



British newspaper groups have warned Apple that any move to impose a so-called “web eraser” tool to block advertisements would put the financial sustainability of journalism at risk. 6park.com

英国报业集团警告苹果,任何强制使用所谓“网络橡皮擦”工具来屏蔽广告的举措,都将危及新闻业的财务可持续性。 6park.com

Apple is preparing to include an AI-based privacy feature in the Safari browser in the next iOS 18 software update that will remove ads or other unwanted website content, according to reports. 6park.com

据报道,苹果正准备在下一次iOS 18软件更新中在Safari浏览器中加入一个基于人工智能的隐私保护功能,该功能将删除广告或其他不需要的网站内容。 6park.com

In a letter sent on Friday to Apple’s government affairs chief in the UK, the News Media Association, which represents 900 national, regional and local titles, raised concerns about how this would affect digital revenues in the industry. 6park.com

在上周五发给苹果公司驻英国政府事务负责人的一封信中,代表900家全国性、地区性和地方性媒体的新闻媒体协会(NMA)对此举将如何影响该行业的数字收入表达了担忧。 6park.com

——本文2024年5月12日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Newspaper groups warn Apple over ad-blocking plans

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