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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-10 23:24 已读 4098 次  


Biden Looks to Thwart Surge of Chinese Imports


President Biden is warning that a new surge of cheap Chinese products poses a threat to American factories. There is little sign of one in official trade data, which show that Chinese steel imports are down sharply from last year and that the gap between what the United States sells to China and what it buys is at a post-pandemic low. 6park.com

拜登总统警告新一轮廉价中国商品的激增对美国工厂构成了威胁。在官方贸易数据中,几乎看不到这种迹象,数据显示,来自中国的钢材进口量较去年大幅下降,美国对华贸易逆差处于疫情后的最低水平。 6park.com


But the president’s aides are looking past those numbers and fixating on what they call troubling signs from China and Europe. That includes data showing China’s growing appetite to churn out big-ticket goods like cars and heavy metals at a rate that far exceeds the demand of domestic consumers. 6park.com

但总统的助手们不再关注这些数字,而是专注于他们所说的来自中国和欧洲的令人不安的迹象,其中包括:有数据显示,中国在汽车和重金属等高价商品方面的胃口越来越大,生产速度远超国内消费者的需求。 6park.com


China’s lavish subsidies, including loans from state-run banks, have helped sustain companies that might otherwise have folded in a struggling domestic economy. The result is, in many cases, a significant cost advantage for Chinese manufactured goods like steel and electric cars. 6park.com

包括来自国有银行的贷款在内,中国的巨额补贴帮助一些企业得以维持生计,否则它们可能会在陷入困境的国内经济中倒闭。由此造成的结果是,在许多情况下,钢铁和电动汽车等中国制成品具有显着的成本优势。 6park.com


The U.S. solar industry is already struggling to compete with those Chinese exports. In Europe, the problem is much broader. Chinese exports are washing over the continent, to the chagrin of political leaders and business executives. They could soon pose a threat to some of the American companies that Mr. Biden has tried to bolster with federal grants and tax incentives, much of which comes from his 2022 climate law, U.S. officials warn. 6park.com

美国的太阳能行业本就已经很难与中国的出口竞争。在欧洲,问题要广泛得多。中国的出口席卷了整个欧洲大陆,令政治领导人和企业高管们大为不满。美国官员警告,它们可能很快也会对一些拜登总统试图通过联邦拨款和税收激励来提振的美国企业构成威胁,其中许多资金都是来自他的2022年气候投资法案。 6park.com


In an effort to avoid a similar fate, Mr. Biden has promised new measures to shield steel mills, automakers and other American companies against what he calls trade “cheating” by Beijing. 6park.com

为避免类似的局面,拜登承诺采取新的举措,保护钢铁厂、汽车制造商和其他美国企业免受他所称的中国贸易“作弊”的影响。 6park.com


European officials are struggling to counter the import surge, an issue they focused on this week when President Xi Jinping of China visited the continent for the first time in five years. In a meeting on Monday with Mr. Xi and President Emmanuel Macron of France, Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, urged Mr. Xi to address the wave of subsidized exports flowing from his nation’s factories into Western countries. 6park.com

欧洲官员正在努力应对进口的激增,本周中国国家主席习近平五年来首次访欧,这是双方会谈的一个重要议题。周一,欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩在与习近平和法国总统举行会晤时,敦促习近平解决从中国的工厂涌向西方国家的补贴出口浪潮。 6park.com


The frustration European officials expressed mirrors the fears Mr. Biden and his aides have conveyed to Beijing: that it is deliberately using state support to gobble up market share in key industries and drive foreign competitors out of business, as it did in previous decades. 6park.com

欧洲官员的不满,与拜登及其助手向北京传达的担忧相一致:就像过去几十年里它的所作所为那样,中国正在蓄意利用国家支持来吞噬关键行业的市场份额,把外国竞争对手赶出市场。 6park.com


“These subsidized products — such as the electric vehicles or, for example, steel — are flooding the European market,” Ms. von der Leyen said. “The world cannot absorb China’s surplus production.” 6park.com

“这些受补贴的产品,比如说电动汽车,或者比如说钢铁,正在涌入欧洲市场,”冯德莱恩表示,“世界无法消化中国的过剩产能。” 6park.com


Europe has begun imposing tariffs on electric cars from China over what officials there call evidence of illegal state subsidies. 6park.com

欧洲已经开始对来自中国的电动汽车征收关税,欧洲官员表示,有证据表明存在非法的国家补贴。 6park.com


The United States has ample experience with cheap Chinese products overwhelming its markets, including a wave of solar panels that undercut the Obama administration’s efforts to nurture a domestic solar industry. This time, cheap solar panels are again flowing into the United States, causing some manufacturers to delay planned investments in America. 6park.com

在廉价中国商品充斥市场的问题上,美国有着丰富的经验,包括一波太阳能电池板的倾销浪潮,它曾削弱奥巴马政府培育国内太阳能产业的努力。现在,廉价的太阳能组件再次涌入美国,导致一些制造商推迟了在美国的投资计划。 6park.com


Other goods, like electric vehicles, have been slower to arrive, in part because of tariffs and other barriers the U.S. government has in place. 6park.com

电动汽车等其他商品对市场的冲击速度较慢,部分原因是美国政府设置了关税和其他壁垒。 6park.com




Still, Biden administration officials are watching Chinese production and price data closely and moving to block or slow subsidized imports — particularly in industries that are central to the president’s industrial plans, like low-carbon energy technology. 6park.com

尽管如此,拜登政府官员仍在密切关注中国的生产和价格数据,并采取行动阻止或减缓补贴商品的进口,尤其是在低碳能源技术等总统产业计划中的核心产业。 6park.com


Officials have complained about what they call Chinese overcapacity in public and in recent trips to Beijing by Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken. 6park.com

官员们在公开场合抱怨他们所谓的中国产能过剩,财政部长耶伦和国务卿安布林肯最近在访华时也提出了类似的抱怨。 6park.com


Mr. Biden has proposed higher tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum and started investigations of Chinese automotive technologies. His administration is reviewing a wave of tariffs on Chinese goods that President Donald J. Trump imposed. It is also considering increasing some of them for strategically important industries. 6park.com

拜登提议对中国的钢铝征收更高的关税,并开始对中国的汽车技术进行调查。他的政府正在审查特朗普总统对中国商品征收的一系列关税。政府还在考虑提高一些具有战略意义的行业的关税。 6park.com


“Because Chinese steel companies produce a lot more steel than China needs, it ends up dumping the extra steel into the global markets at unfairly low prices,” Mr. Biden told steelworkers in Pittsburgh last month. “And the prices are unfairly low because Chinese steel companies don’t need to worry about making a profit, because the Chinese government is subsidizing them so heavily. They’re not competing. They’re cheating.” 6park.com

“由于中国的钢铁企业生产的钢铁远超国内的需要,因此最终以不公平的低价将多余的钢材倾销到全球市场,”拜登上个月在匹兹堡对钢铁工人说。“而且价格低得不公平,因为中国钢铁公司不需要担心盈利,因为中国政府对它们进行了大量补贴。他们不是在竞争。他们这是在作弊。” 6park.com


Chinese officials reject those charges. The administration’s claims are “not a market-driven conclusion but a crafted narrative to manipulate perception and politicize trade,” Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, told reporters last week. 6park.com

中国官员否认了这些指控。外交部发言人林剑上周告诉记者,美国政府的说法“并非市场定义下的结论,而是人为制造的虚假叙事和泛政治化的认知操弄”。 6park.com


“The real purpose is to hold back China’s high-quality development and deprive China of its legitimate right to development,” he said. “There isn’t a ‘China overcapacity,’ but a U.S. overcapacity of anxiety stemming from lack of confidence and smears against China.” 6park.com

“目的在于遏制中国高质量发展,剥夺中国正当发展的权利,”他说。“真正‘过剩’的不是中国的产能,而是美国缺乏自信的焦虑和针对中国形形色色的抹黑。” 6park.com

Biden officials said in interviews that China’s subsidized exports were starting to hurt U.S. manufacturers, including by driving some foreign suppliers of components for American-made products out of business. Ms. Yellen said in a speech last month that during a trip to China, she had warned officials there of “the negative spillovers that overcapacity can create for the global economy.” 6park.com

拜登的官员在接受采访时表示,中国的补贴出口开始伤害美国制造商,包括迫使一些为美国制造提供零部件的外国供应商倒闭。耶伦在上个月的一次演讲中说,她在访华期间曾警告中国官员“产能过剩可能给全球经济带来负面溢出效应”。 6park.com


Some current and former Biden administration officials say it will take a global effort to defeat China’s export strategy. That includes better cooperation between the United States, Europe and other wealthy allies, which is expected to be high on the agenda for Group of 7 leaders when they meet in Italy next month. 6park.com

一些现任和前任拜登政府官员称,要击败中国的出口策略需要全球一起努力。这包括加强美国、欧洲和其他富裕盟友之间的合作,预计这将成为下个月在意大利举行的七国集团领导人会议的重要议程之一。 6park.com


That effort should also include developing nations like Brazil and India, which have begun to push back at Beijing’s trade practices, said Brian Deese, a former director of Mr. Biden’s National Economic Council and an architect of the president’s green industrial strategy. 6park.com

前拜登政府国家经济委员会主任、总统的绿色产业战略的设计者布莱恩·迪斯说,该努力还应该包括巴西和印度等发展中国家,它们已经开始反击北京的贸易做法。 6park.com


“What we should do is build a broad international coalition to impose harmonized tariffs on Chinese industries where there is overcapacity,” Mr. Deese said. 6park.com

迪斯说:“我们应该做的是建立一个广泛的国际联盟,对产能过剩的中国产业征收协调一致的关税。” 6park.com


Such an effort, he said, could prove crucial to protecting U.S. companies’ investments in areas like the next generation of advanced batteries for automobiles and energy storage, by giving them room to breathe instead of the suffocation of artificially cheap competition. 6park.com

他说,这样的努力可能对保护美国公司在下一代先进汽车电池和能源储存等领域的投资至关重要,因为这给了它们喘息的空间,而不是被人为的廉价竞争所窒息。 6park.com


“I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion that even as China ramps up, China dominates that market,” Mr. Deese said. 6park.com


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