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又丑又萌!“黏土滤镜” 火了,年轻人玩到半夜
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-10 18:48 已读 4400 次 1 赞  



Beauty standards are constantly morphing, especially in the age of artificial intelligence. 6park.com

While retouching photos, particularly selfies, has become commonplace, a new cultural wave is sweeping China – the "clay filter" portrait. These AI-powered apps generate unexpectedly charming and "ugly-cute" results, sparking a recent social media frenzy. 6park.com

这些照片大部分来自一个叫作Remini的手机APP。这是一个AI修图软件,目前下载量已跃升苹果应用商店免费应用第11名,紧随“小红书”和“抖音”之后。 6park.com

用户上传照片,选择滤镜风格(比如黏土风),照片就生成了。过程很简单,就是给照片加了一个滤镜。 6park.com

Remini, the star of the AI photo app scene, not only offers old photo restoration, but also boasts a trendy "clay style" image generation feature. It skyrocketed to the top of China's free app rankings on Apple's App Store on Wednesday, and currently sits at No. 11, following social media giants Xiaohongshu or Red (China's equivalent of Instagram), and Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok). 6park.com


丑萌丑萌,是很多人对黏土滤镜(Clay filter)的评价。这个风格的照片,不仅跟常规的美颜不同,反而让人变得“面目狰狞”,有一丝阴森的感觉。 6park.com

"Ugly but cute" is how people describe the clay filter. This unique style of photo not only sets itself apart from the typical beauty filters but also gives people a "grotesque" appearance, evoking a slightly eerie feeling. 6park.com

不过,正是这种非常规、有反差的效果,激发了人们的好奇心和分享欲。 6park.com

五一假期是旅游高峰,人们在社交平台晒出各种打卡照片,如果再加上一个黏土滤镜,既省去了美颜修图的麻烦,还能因独树一帜的风格获得更高关注点赞。 6park.com

也正因此,黏土滤镜火爆出圈是在五一假期期间。 6park.com

It becomes a trending topic on social media such as Weibo (China's Twitter) and many "clay" style pictures are being posted on WeChat, especially by people traveling over the May Day holiday in China, which ended on Sunday. 6park.com

从一开始,黏土滤镜就不是为了美颜,而是带有一定程度的搞怪。所以很快,各种表情包和电影剧照就被盯上了,就连《甄嬛传》《老友记》中的名场面、霉霉的专辑封面……都难逃被网友变成黏土风的命运。 6park.com


Remini是北京大觥科技有限公司在2019年推出的一款AI修图APP。此前,Remini被意大利软件开发商Bending Spoons收购,2023年一度在国外爆火而后在国内走红。 6park.com

Remini was initially developed by Beijing-based startup Caldron, then acquired by Italy-based Bending Spoons in 2021. It has been used for millions of times globally.

作为一款付费软件,包周68元,新用户有7天免费试用期。这一波刷屏的热度之下,很多用户是抱着尝鲜的心态开启试用,然后马上取消订阅。这样既能免费使用7天,还能避免到期后自动扣费。 6park.com

68元一周的价格并不便宜。作为对比,ChatGPT的会员是20美元/月,相当于34元/周。Remini的价格是ChatGPT的两倍。 6park.com

Remini was initially developed by Beijing-based startup Caldron, then acquired by Italy-based Bending Spoons in 2021. It has been used for millions of times globally. 6park.com

After a complimentary seven-day trial period, Remini transitions to a paid subscription service. Users must pay 68 yuan (US$9.41) per week to continue to access the advanced features. This pricing strategy stands in contrast to Chinese competitors like Meitu, a prominent photo editing app in China. 6park.com


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