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双语资讯速览 | G7国家同意在2035年前停止使用煤电
送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-30 18:56 已读 3400 次 2 赞  




Energy and climate ministers from the G7 group of industrialised nations have agreed to phase out by 2035 the use of coal power where the emissions have not been captured, a UK minister said, giving the group a timeline for meeting the deal struck at last year’s UN climate summit in Dubai. 6park.com

一位英国部长表示,七国集团(G7)的能源和气候部长已同意,在2035年之前逐步淘汰未捕获碳排放的燃煤发电。这为该集团实现去年在迪拜(Dubai)举行的联合国气候峰会上达成的协议提供了时间表。 6park.com

The COP28 summit ended with a pledge to transition away from fossil fuels, and accelerate efforts towards the phase-down of so-called unabated coal power. 6park.com

第28届联合国气候变化大会(COP28)以承诺化石燃料转型,并加快逐步淘汰所谓的未捕获碳排放煤电的努力而告终。 6park.com

Andrew Bowie, the UK minister for nuclear and renewables, described the agreement reached at this week’s G7 ministers meeting in Turin as “historic” in an interview with CNBC on Monday. “We do have an agreement to phase out coal in the first half of the 2030s,” he said. 6park.com

英国核能和可再生能源大臣安德鲁•鲍伊(Andrew Bowie)周一在接受美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)采访时,将本周在都灵(Turin)举行的七国集团部长会议上达成的协议形容为“历史性的”。他表示:“我们确实达成了在本世纪30年代前半段逐步淘汰煤炭的协议。” 6park.com

——本文2024年4月30日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为G7 countries agree to end use of coal power by 2035, says UK minister



Brussels is set to open a probe into Meta’s Facebook and Instagram as soon as this week over concerns the social media giant is failing to do enough to counter disinformation from Russia and other countries. 6park.com

布鲁塞尔最快将于本周对Meta旗下的Facebook和Instagram展开调查,因为人们担心这家社交媒体巨头未能采取足够措施来应对来自俄罗斯和其他国家的虚假信息。 6park.com

Regulators suspect that Meta’s moderation does not go far enough to stop the widespread dissemination of political advertising that risks undermining the electoral process, the European Commission is expected to say this week, two people with knowledge of the matter said. 6park.com

两位知情人士称,欧盟委员会预计将在本周表示,监管机构怀疑Meta的审核力度不足以阻止政治广告的广泛传播,而这种传播有可能破坏选举进程。 6park.com

EU officials are particularly worried about the way Meta’s platforms are handling Russia’s efforts to undermine upcoming European elections. The commission, however, is not expected to single out Russia in its statement and will only make reference to the manipulation of information by foreign actors. 6park.com

欧盟官员尤其担心Meta平台处理俄罗斯破坏即将到来的欧洲选举的方式。不过,欧盟委员会预计不会在声明中单独提到俄罗斯,而只会提及外国参与者操纵信息的行为。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月30日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为EU to probe Meta over handling of Russian disinformation



The US Supreme Court on Monday turned away Elon Musk’s appeal over a settlement with the federal securities regulator that required him to seek approval before commenting publicly on Tesla. 6park.com

周一,美国最高法院驳回了埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)就与联邦证券监管机构达成和解的上诉,其要求马斯克在公开评论特斯拉(Tesla)之前必须获得批准。 6park.com

The justices’ refusal to hear the case means that one of the world’s richest people must have a Tesla lawyer vet his posts about the automaker on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter that he bought in 2022 and later renamed. 6park.com

法官们拒绝审理此案意味着,这位世界上最富有的人之一必须让一名特斯拉律师审查他在X上发布的关于这家汽车制造商的帖子。X是一个社交媒体平台,原名Twitter,马斯克于2022年收购了该平台,后来更名为X。 6park.com

The case dates back to 2018 when the billionaire — who runs the electric-car maker Tesla — shook Wall Street with a tweet declaring: “Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” 6park.com

这起案件可以追溯到2018年,当时这位经营电动汽车制造商特斯拉的亿万富翁在Twitter上宣布:“我考虑以420美元的价格将特斯拉私有化。资金已经到位。” 6park.com

——本文2024年4月30日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Elon Musk fails to get US Supreme Court review of SEC deal over Tesla social posts



The Financial Times has struck a deal with OpenAI to train artificial intelligence models on the publisher’s archived content, in the latest agreement between the Microsoft-backed start-up and a global news publisher. 6park.com

英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)与OpenAI达成协议,利用这家出版商的存档内容训练人工智能模型,这是这家得到微软(Microsoft)支持的初创企业与全球新闻出版商达成的最新协议。 6park.com

Under the terms of the deal, the FT will license its material to the ChatGPT maker to help develop generative AI technology that can create text, images and code indistinguishable from human creations. 6park.com

根据协议条款,英国《金融时报》将其内容授权给这家ChatGPT制造商,以帮助开发生成式人工智能技术。该技术可以创建与人类创作无异的文本、图像和代码。 6park.com

The agreement also allows ChatGPT to respond to questions with short summaries from FT articles, with links back to FT.com. This means that the chatbot’s 100mn users worldwide can access FT reporting through ChatGPT, while providing a route back to the original source material. 6park.com

该协议还允许ChatGPT用英国《金融时报》文章的简短摘要来回答问题,并附上FT.com的链接。这意味着该聊天机器人在全球的1亿用户可以通过ChatGPT访问英国《金融时报》的报道,同时提供一条返回原始材料的途径。 6park.com

——本文2024年4月29日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为The Financial Times and OpenAI strike content licensing deal

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