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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-04-28 23:46 已读 3364 次  


China to Pay Consumers Up to Nearly $1,400 to Replace Old Cars



中国计划为车主提供最高可达近1,400美元的汽车以旧换新补贴,目的是提振这个全球最大电动汽车市场放缓的需求。 6park.com

China plans to give car owners up to nearly $1,400 to replace their old cars with new ones, a move to boost slowing demand in the world’s largest electric-vehicle market. 6park.com

中国商务部等部门周五在一份联合声明中说,自相关细则印发之日至今年年底期间,报废满足一定条件的旧乘用车并购买符合条件的新能源乘用车的个人消费者,可享受最高达人民币1万元(合1,381美元)的政府补贴;报废满足一定条件的燃油乘用车并购买2.0升及以下排量燃油乘用车的,可享受人民币7,000元的补贴。 6park.com

Consumers who replace their cars with electric or hybrid vehicles can in some cases receive government subsidies of up to 10,000 yuan ($1,381) through the end of this year, China’s Ministry of Commerce and other departments said in a joint statement Friday. People trading in older cars for traditional cars with engines sizes of 2.0 liters and below are eligible for CNY7,000. 6park.com

目前中国这个世界第二大经济体的内需低迷,该国决策者正试图刺激消费。中国乘用车市场信息联席会(China Passenger Car Association, 简称:中国乘联会)周四公布的数据显示,4月狭义乘用车零售预计同比下降1.5%;相比之下前一个月录得了6.2%的增幅。 6park.com

China’s policymakers are trying to boost consumption amid subdued domestic demand in the world’s second largest economy. Estimated passenger car retail sales dropped 1.5% on year in April, swinging from a growth of 6.2% last month, China Passenger Car Association data showed Thursday. 6park.com

中国政府曾在2009年和2010年推出类似的以旧换新计划来刺激内需。 6park.com

Beijing launched a similar trade-in program to boost domestic consumption in 2009 and 2010. 6park.com


德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)分析师在最近的一份报告中写道,他们预计相关以旧换新补贴计划将使价格较低的汽车成为最大受益者,比如比亚迪(BYD)的一些汽车。 6park.com

Deutsche Bank analysts wrote in a recent note that they expect the trade-in subsidy program will benefit lower-priced vehicles the most, such as BYD’s. 6park.com

华侨银行(OCBC)大中华区经济学家Tommy Xie在一份报告中写道,设备升级和消费品以旧换新并不是解决中国结构性问题的灵丹妙药。他说,这可能充当一种短期解决方案,或可为中国重新平衡本国经济赢得更多时间。 6park.com

“The equipment upgrade and trade-in of consumer goods are not a panacea for solving China’s structural problems,” OCBC Greater China economist Tommy Xie wrote in a note. He added that it may serve as a short-term solution that could buy China more time to rebalance its economy.

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