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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-20 1:14 已读 3681 次 1 赞  


Apple Looks to External Partners to Boost AI Efforts



苹果公司(Apple)正寻求外部公司助其发展人工智能(AI)技术。 6park.com

Apple is looking to outside companies to help its artificial intelligence efforts. 6park.com

据知情人士透露,苹果公司已经与谷歌(Google)等一些AI软件提供商举行磋商,希望利用它们的技术为旗下移动功能提供支持。知情人士说,苹果公司与包括Cohere和OpenAI在内的初创公司进行了商谈。 6park.com

Apple has held discussions with Google and other AI software providers about using their technology to power the iPhone maker’s mobile features, said people familiar with the matter. The tech giant has talked to startups including Cohere and OpenAI as part of the discussions, some of the people said. 6park.com

目前尚不清楚任何潜在交易将如何安排,也不清楚苹果公司是否会只与其中一家公司合作。苹果、谷歌、OpenAI和Cohere的发言人均不予置评。 6park.com

It wasn’t clear how any potential deal would be structured or whether Apple would partner exclusively with one of the companies. Spokespeople for Apple, Google, OpenAI and Cohere declined to comment. 6park.com

这家总部位于加州库比蒂诺的科技巨头面临着使用生成式AI技术提供更先进功能的压力。这类软件的发展潜力及其带来的深远影响已吸引了各行各业的关注,并在科技公司之间掀起了一场“军备竞赛”,这主要源于OpenAI推出的ChatGPT大受欢迎。 6park.com

The Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant is under pressure to deliver more advanced features using the latest so-called generative artificial intelligence techniques. The potential of such software and its far-reaching implications have captured the focus and attention of various industries and set off an arms race among technology companies, primarily due to the popularity of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. 6park.com

一些分析人士认为,与外部参与者的讨论表明,苹果公司还没能开发出像其他主流AI公司那样先进的内部工具。苹果通常非常倾向于在其设备中使用自家技术,近年来已开始在公司内部打造软件和硬件。 6park.com

Some analysts saw the discussions with outside players as evidence that Apple hasn’t managed to develop internal tools as sophisticated as other dominant AI players. The company generally strongly favors the use of its own technology in its devices and has moved in recent years to build software and hardware in house. 6park.com

有分析人士说,苹果公司专注于在设备上运行的AI应用,但对于更复杂的任务,该公司需要依赖谷歌等大型科技公司的大规模云基础设施。谷歌已在云业务上投入数以十亿美元计的资金,包括为常见的AI任务开发自己的芯片。 6park.com

Apple is focused on AI applications that will work on a device, but for more complicated tasks, it would need to rely on large-scale cloud infrastructure from a large technology company such as Google, analysts said. Google has invested billions in its cloud business, including developing its own chips for common AI tasks.


过去一年,苹果公司的投资者越来越担心该公司在AI竞赛中已经落后,并一再要求获得更多有关该公司相关战略的信息。 6park.com

Over the past year, Apple investors have grown concerned that the company has fallen behind in the AI arms race and have repeatedly asked for more information about its strategy. 6park.com

苹果公司首席执行官库克(Tim Cook)已多次试图缓解外界的担忧。他在该公司最近举行的年度股东大会上说:“我们也看到了生成式AI令人难以置信的突破性潜力,这也是我们目前在这一领域大力投资的原因。” 6park.com

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook has repeatedly sought to allay concerns. “We also see incredible breakthrough potential for generative AI, which is why we’re currently investing significantly in this area,” he said at the company’s recent annual shareholder meeting. 6park.com

苹果公司最近终止了运行已久的电动汽车项目,并将其中部分员工转到从事生成式AI方面的工作。 6park.com

Apple recently put an end to its long-running electric vehicle project and shifted some of those employees over to work on its generative artificial intelligence. 6park.com

据知情人士称,苹果公司正考虑在即将推出的iPhone操作系统iOS 18中增加一些生成式AI功能。这款新操作系统预计将于今年6月在苹果全球开发者大会上亮相。 6park.com

Apple is looking to add a number of generative artificial intelligence features to its upcoming iPhone operating system, iOS 18, said people familiar with the matter. The new operating system is expected to be unveiled in June at the company’s developer conference. 6park.com

到目前为止,苹果已考虑将生成式AI技术应用于自动完成电子邮件信息、更强大的Spotlight搜索功能、照片编辑和更先进版本的Siri。该公司还在开发一款与微软(Microsoft)旗下GitHub Copilot类似的软件开发辅助工具。 6park.com

So far, Apple has looked at bringing generative technology to autocomplete email messages, a more robust Spotlight search function, photo editing and a more advanced version of Siri. The company is also working on a software development assistance tool, similar to Microsoft-owned GitHub Copilot’s tool. 6park.com

彭博(Bloomberg)率先报道了苹果公司与谷歌和OpenAI的谈判。周一,投资者就该消息对谷歌和OpenAI作出积极反应。 6park.com

Bloomberg first reported on the talks with Google and OpenAI. On Monday, investors reacted positively for both companies to the news. 6park.com

苹果一直在开发自己的内部生成式AI工具,相关工作的负责人是高级副总裁John Giannandrea。Giannandrea于2018年从谷歌跳槽到苹果公司,直接向库克汇报工作,这一迹象表明AI对苹果的重要性日益增加。 6park.com

Apple has been working on its own internal generative artificial intelligence tools under John Giannandrea, its senior vice president leading these efforts. Giannandrea was hired from Google in 2018 and reports directly to Cook, a sign of the increased importance of artificial intelligence at Apple.

此前在谷歌效力的Aidan Gomez目前领导苹果公司Cohere业务。

苹果上周发布了一篇论文,详细介绍了自家一款生成式AI模型。这个名为MM1的模型比最先进的算法要小,有300亿个参数,相比之下OpenAI的GPT-4有近两万亿个参数。 6park.com

Apple last week released a paper detailing one of its own generative artificial intelligence models. The model, called MM1, is smaller than the most advanced algorithms, with 30 billion parameters compared with OpenAI GPT-4’s nearly two trillion parameters. 6park.com

若能与苹果达成协议,将有助于谷歌在AI领域的发展。眼下谷歌正试图推广一套名为“双子座”(Gemini)的技术,这是谷歌对标ChatGPT的产品。由谷歌前研究员Aidan Gomez领导的Cohere销售AI软件,各公司可以利用这些软件打造会话应用。 6park.com

A deal with Apple would help Google’s AI push as it tries to promote a set of technologies known as Gemini, its answer to ChatGPT. Cohere, led by former Google researcher Aidan Gomez, sells AI software that companies can use to build conversational apps. 6park.com

多年来,谷歌向苹果支付了数以十亿美元计的资金,使旗下搜索引擎成为Safari浏览器的默认搜索引擎。美国司法部在一起具有里程碑意义的反垄断案中对这一交易提出了质疑,预计该案将于今年结案。两家公司都为该协议进行了辩护。 6park.com

Google has for years paid Apple billions of dollars to make its search engine the default in the Safari browser. The Justice Department has challenged the deal in a landmark antitrust case that is expected to wrap up this year. Both companies have defended the agreement. 6park.com

作为使用谷歌Android软件的最大手机制造商,三星(Samsung)已在其最新的Galaxy智能手机上使用“双子座”来实现一些AI功能。 6park.com

Samsung, the largest manufacturer of phones using Google’s Android software, already uses Gemini to power some AI features on its newest Galaxy smartphones. 6park.com

不久前“双子座”引发了争议,因为该聊天机器人生成了与历史真实情形不符的图像,并且在某些情况下拒绝就有关白人的描述生成图像。谷歌首席执行官皮采(Sundar Pichai)称这些输出是不可接受的,并承诺将在公司内部进行结构性调整,以解决这些问题。 6park.com

Gemini recently drew controversy after the chatbot produced ahistoric images and, in some cases, refused to generate depictions of white people. Google CEO Sundar Pichai called the outputs unacceptable and promised to make structural changes at the company to fix the issues.

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