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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-03-01 2:39 已读 4703 次 1 赞  


Tech Layoffs Keep Coming. Why Is Head Count Barely Budging?

微软、Meta Platforms和亚马逊等多家科技公司尽管近来宣布大幅裁员,但员工人数仍远高于疫情前水平。

不要只盯着裁员,事实上美国几家大科技公司近年来的增员幅度远大于减员。 6park.com

Never mind the layoffs: Some of the biggest U.S. tech companies have swelled their ranks much more than they have trimmed them. 6park.com

年末披露的数据显示,微软(Microsoft)、Alphabet和Netflix的员工总数较新冠疫情前均增加了50%。《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的分析显示,与这几家公司相比,Meta Platforms员工总数增幅也相差不多,而亚马逊(Amazon.com)员工数更是较2019年增加了接近一倍。 6park.com

Microsoft, Alphabet and Netflix each employed 50% more people than before the pandemic, year-end disclosures show. Not far behind is Meta Platforms, and Amazon.com has nearly doubled its workforce since 2019, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows. 6park.com

自2022年末以来,这些公司宣布的裁员计划规模合计超过7万。不过,持续的招聘、并购以及之前的招聘潮完全抵消了最近一轮裁员的影响。 6park.com

Since late 2022, these companies have said they would cut more than 70,000 jobs combined. Continued hiring, acquisitions and past recruiting binges have more than offset the recent wave of reductions.

例如微软,在去年发布三份裁员声明、表示计划裁员约11,370人之后,今年1月这家软件巨头宣布旗下游戏部门将裁员1,900人。 6park.com

Consider Microsoft. In January, the software giant said it would cut 1,900 jobs in its videogame unit, after promising to shed some 11,370 in three layoff announcements last year. 6park.com

1月份宣布的裁员计划是针对动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)的员工,该公司去年10月被微软收购之前拥有约1.3万名员工。动视暴雪员工未纳入微软最近披露的员工总人数中。 6park.com

Job cuts announced in January targeted employees of Activision Blizzard, which employed about 13,000 people before it was acquired by Microsoft in October. Activision employees weren’t reflected in Microsoft’s most recently disclosed employment figures. 6park.com

微软大部分增员似乎都在美国以外地区,截至上一财年年底,微软美国以外地区的员工人数为10.1万,较2019年增长超过70%。除了公司的监管公告内容之外,微软发言人未予置评。 6park.com

Most of Microsoft’s head-count growth appears to have come outside the U.S., where 101,000 people worked for the company at its fiscal year-end, up more than 70% from 2019. A Microsoft spokeswoman declined to comment beyond the company’s securities filings.

Alphabet也出现了类似的招聘热潮。截至去年年底,这家谷歌(Google)母公司的员工总数为182,502人,比2019年增加逾6.3万人。 6park.com

A similar hiring boom occurred at Alphabet. Google’s parent company employed 182,502 people at the end of last year, up more than 63,000 from 2019. 6park.com

这一增量中包含Alphabet去年裁撤的约8,000个就业岗位。自2023年初以来,Alphabet曾表示将在谷歌和其他业务线总计裁员逾1.2万人。 6park.com

That increase includes Alphabet’s employment levels falling about 8,000 last year. Since early 2023, Alphabet has said it would cut more than 12,000 jobs at Google and other business lines. 6park.com

Alphabet发言人说,该公司正在寻求简化结构,以提高效率,并将资源集中在最大的产品类别上。 6park.com

An Alphabet spokeswoman said the company is seeking to simplify its structure to become more efficient and focus resources on its biggest product categories.

在截至去年9月的财年中,苹果公司(Apple)员工人数小幅降至约16.1万。这一数字比四年前增加约2.4万。苹果公司基本上避免了其他大型科技公司宣布的高调裁员。本周,苹果公司取消了制造电动汽车的计划,此举将令一些人转岗,但可能导致裁员。 6park.com

Apple’s workforce fell slightly during its fiscal year ended in September to about 161,000 people. That figure was up about 24,000 from four years earlier. Apple has largely avoided the high-profile layoffs that other big tech companies have announced. This week it scrapped plans to build an electric car, a move that would shift some jobs but could result in layoffs.

Facebook母公司Meta去年裁员约22%,即1.9万人。Meta首席执行官扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)去年3月吹响了“效率年”计划的号角,当时该公司表示将裁员1万人,这是继2022年11月宣布裁员1.1万人之后的又一次裁员。 6park.com

Meta, Facebook’s parent company, slashed its workforce last year by about 22%, or 19,000. Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg trumpeted plans for a “year of efficiency” in March last year, when the company said it would cut 10,000 jobs, following the announcement of 11,000 job cuts in November 2022. 6park.com

到2023年底,该公司员工人数仍比2019年底多出约50%。Meta发言人不予置评。 6park.com

The company still had about 50% more employees at the end of 2023 than at the end of 2019. A Meta spokesman declined to comment.

就业岗位增加最多的是亚马逊,自2019年以来增加了72.7万名员工。在此期间,亚马逊的员工人数增加了约一倍,尽管该公司2023年曾宣布将裁员约2.7万人。 6park.com

The biggest job gains have occurred at Amazon, which has added 727,000 employees since 2019. It has roughly doubled its workforce over that span, despite announcing it would cut some 27,000 jobs in 2023. 6park.com

亚马逊的大部分员工都是仓库工人,而且招聘热潮也以这些工种为主,而裁员则集中在白领员工中,涉及云计算、Twitch流媒体服务、米高梅工作室(MGM Studios)和在线鞋类销售商Zappos等不同业务。 6park.com

Much of Amazon’s workforce, and much of its hiring boom, consists of warehouse workers, while layoffs have been concentrated among white-collar workers across businesses as varied as cloud computing, the Twitch streaming service, MGM Studios and online shoe-seller Zappos.

“在这次裁员前的几年里,我们的多数业务都已大量增员,”亚马逊首席执行官安迪·贾西(Andy Jassy)在2023年3月致员工的一则消息中写道。“然而,考虑到我们所处的经济环境不稳定,以及在不远的将来存在的不确定性,我们选择要精简成本和员工人数。” 6park.com

“For several years leading up to this one, most of our businesses added a significant amount of headcount,” CEO Andy Jassy wrote in a March 2023 message to employees. “However, given the uncertain economy in which we reside, and the uncertainty that exists in the near future, we have chosen to be more streamlined in our costs and headcount.” 6park.com

亚马逊一位发言人表示,该公司继续根据业务重点在目标领域进行招聘。 6park.com

An Amazon spokesman said the company has continued to hire in targeted areas based on business priorities. 6park.com

从其他指标来看,自2019年以来,上述所有六家公司的业务也都急剧扩张,收入增速超过了员工数量增长。 6park.com

All six companies also had their businesses expand sharply by other measures since 2019, increasing revenue in every case faster than they added workers. 6park.com

自2019年以来,亚马逊的销售额增长了一倍多,Meta和Alphabet的销售额增幅也接近这一水平。苹果公司稍显落后,同期销售额增长了47%。 6park.com

Amazon more than doubled sales since 2019, while Meta and Alphabet came close. Apple trailed the pack, with 47% sales growth over the four-year period. 6park.com

2023年,这几家公司的员工人均创收(衡量生产率的指标)都高于疫情前水平。 6park.com

Revenue per employee—a measure of productivity—was higher in 2023 for all the companies than it was before the pandemic.

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