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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-26 2:38 已读 4298 次 1 赞  


Can IKEA Save the Mall?

全球多数宜家门店的运营商Ingka Group近年来已建立起自己跨越中国、欧洲和美国的购物中心帝国,并希望收购更多物业,以实现零售业以外的多元化发展。


许多购物中心都在苦苦挣扎,但宜家(IKEA)押注自己能为这一陷入困境的业态注入新活力。 6park.com

Many malls are struggling but IKEA is betting it can breathe new life into the troubled format. 6park.com

全球多数宜家门店的运营商Ingka Group近年来已建立起自己跨越中国、欧洲和美国的购物中心帝国,并希望收购更多物业,以实现零售业以外的多元化发展。 6park.com

Ingka Group, the operator of most of the world’s IKEA stores, has assembled its own mall empire in recent years, spanning from China to Europe to the U.S., and says it wants to buy more locations as it aims to diversify beyond retail. 6park.com

该公司的蓝图是将宜家门店作为其购物中心的旗舰店面,并通过增设WeWork风格的联合办公空间、北欧主题美食厅和灵感来自外太空的儿童游乐区等设施来吸引更多潜在购物者。 6park.com

The company’s blueprint is to anchor its malls with an IKEA store and seek to pull in more would-be shoppers with additions such as WeWork-style co-working spaces, Nordic-themed food halls and children’s play areas inspired by outer space. 6park.com

“人们正在寻找能提供更多服务的地方,而不仅仅是购物场所,”Ingka Group房地产部门Ingka Centers的董事总经理Cindy Andersen说。“如果你能提供更多的游玩理由,那么人们还是会来的。” 6park.com

“People are looking for places that offer much more, not only shopping,” said Cindy Andersen, the managing director of Ingka Centers, the company’s real-estate arm. “If you bring in more reasons to visit, then people will still come.” 6park.com

近年来,随着消费者转向本地户外购物场所并更多地在网上购物,许多购物中心都在走下坡路。根据房地产数据提供商Green Street的数据,2023年美国购物中心的客流量较上一年平均下降4%,较2019年的水平下降约12%。 6park.com

Many malls have been in decline for years as consumers shift toward local, outdoor shopping venues and buy more online. Foot traffic to U.S. malls was down 4% on average in 2023 from the prior year, and about 12% lower than 2019 levels, according to Green Street, a real-estate data provider. 6park.com

一些零售商通过跟踪受众,减少了在封闭式购物中心的经营,转而进驻商业街或市中心地段。 6park.com

Some retailers, tracking their audience, have been reducing their exposure to enclosed malls, moving instead into strip malls or downtown locations. 6park.com

即便如此,宜家运营商Ingka Group仍在加倍努力发展购物中心。俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,去年Ingka出售了其在俄罗斯的14家购物中心,但目前该集团仍在15个国家拥有38家购物中心。 6park.com

Even so, the IKEA operator is doubling down on the mall. Though it offloaded its 14 malls in Russia last year following the country’s invasion of Ukraine, Ingka still has 38 malls in 15 countries. 6park.com

Ingka于1973年在瑞典松兹瓦尔开设了第一家购物中心,或者用它的说法是“聚会场所”,同时还开设了一家宜家门店。近年来,该公司扩大了房地产业务,开设了一系列新的购物中心,并表示正在积极寻求购买和开发更多地点,包括在美国市场。 6park.com

Ingka opened its first mall, or meeting place as it calls them, in 1973 in Sundsvall, Sweden, together with an IKEA store. In recent years the company has expanded its real-estate business, opening a string of new malls, and says it is actively looking to buy and develop more locations, including in the U.S.

在北京一个购物中心内的宜家商场。Ingka Group是宜家运营商。该公司计划今年在中国的上海和西安开设购物中心。

Andersen说,Ingka正在寻找已有实力雄厚的零售租户承租同时又有发展潜力的购物中心。 6park.com

The company looks for malls with strong existing retail tenants but with development potential, Andersen said. 6park.com

最近的一个典型例子是,宜家去年11月以1.45亿英镑(约合1.84亿美元)的价格收购了英国布赖顿一家购物中心。已在该购物中心经营的品牌包括苹果(Apple)和Zara等,而同一物业内一处原为百货商店的空置空间为新开一家宜家门店提供了上佳位置。 6park.com

Its most recent addition, a mall in Brighton, England, bought in November for £145 million, equivalent to about $184 million, was a case in point. Brands already operating in the mall included the likes of Apple and Zara, while an empty ex-department store in the same property offered a good location for a new IKEA. 6park.com

房地产分析师称这处布赖顿物业最近的估值约为2.5亿英镑,这表明只要愿意承担收购一处过时资产的风险,像Ingka这样的买家就能找到便宜货。 6park.com

Real-estate analysts said the Brighton property had recently been valued at around £250 million—a sign that buyers like Ingka can find bargains if they are willing to shoulder the risk of acquiring an unfashionable asset. 6park.com

Ingka计划今年在中国的上海和西安开设购物中心,并计划于2025年在印度开设第一家购物中心。 6park.com

The company plans to open malls in the Chinese cities of Shanghai and Xi’an this year, with a first opening in India slated for 2025. 6park.com

在北美地区,Ingka在多伦多和旧金山经营有购物中心。该公司于2020年买下了这个旧金山购物中心,并于去年开业。 6park.com

In North America, Ingka operates malls in Toronto and San Francisco. It acquired the latter in 2020 and opened last year. 6park.com

总部位于旧金山的房地产咨询公司Avison Young高级副总裁Cameron Baird说,正因为对购物中心的定位不仅仅是购物场所,宜家才能取得超越同行惨淡表现的成绩。他说,在许多购物中心纷纷倒闭的情况下,质量成为硬道理,因为零售商和消费者都对最具活力的购物场所青眼有加。 6park.com

By positioning its malls as more than just shopping destinations, IKEA can transcend the gloom, said Cameron Baird, a senior vice president at Avison Young, a San Francisco-based real-estate consulting firm. While many malls are failing, “there’s a flight to quality,” he said, as both retailers and consumers gravitate toward the most dynamic destinations. 6park.com

Baird说:“人们对购物中心的看法已发生转变,更多地是在寻找一个生活方式中心、聚会场所,而不是买了东西就走人。”他说,Ingka并不是唯一一家试图为旗下购物中心注入活力的经营者,但它利用宜家卖场吸引眼球的能力使其脱颖而出。 6park.com

“There’s been a transition in how malls are viewed, people are looking more for a lifestyle center, gathering places—you don’t just buy stuff and leave,” said Baird. Ingka isn’t the only proprietor attempting to enliven its malls, he said, though its ability to use IKEA stores to generate buzz makes it unique. 6park.com

最近,Ingka发明了一种新的紧凑型宜家卖场,专为市中心而不是通常的郊区仓库设计,借助这项发明,Ingka的购物中心战略又向前迈进了一步。宜家正在全球范围内推广市中心卖场,以吸引该公司认为中心以外卖场未能提供充分服务的城市消费者。 6park.com

Ingka’s push into malls has latterly been driven by the invention of a new compact-format IKEA store, designed for the city centers rather than its typical suburban warehouses. IKEA is rolling out downtown stores globally to tap in to an urban audience it believes is underserved by its out-of-town locations. 6park.com

Ingka更倾向于在自己的物业内开设市中心宜家卖场,因为这样该公司不但可以按照自己喜欢的规格自由建造,还不用支付租金。 6park.com

Ingka prefers to open downtown IKEAs in its own properties, where it has free rein to construct them to its preferred specifications and where it doesn’t have to pay rent. 6park.com


这家瑞典家具品牌的知名度确保了开设宜家卖场的购物中心会有一定的客流量。但是,单靠一家宜家卖场是无法支撑起一个购物中心的。 6park.com

The Swedish furniture brand’s popularity ensures that a mall hosting an IKEA store will receive a certain level of traffic. But one store can’t support a mall single-handed. 6park.com

Andersen说,即使在新冠疫情之前,Ingka就明白购物中心需要升级。她还说,但在疫情导致商场客流量锐减之后,寻找新方法来吸引客流的紧迫性就大大增加了。 6park.com

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, Ingka understood that the mall needed updating, said Andersen. But after Covid decimated mall traffic, finding new ways to attract visitors has become much more urgent, she said. 6park.com

为此,该公司投资6,000万欧元(约合6,500万美元)开发新概念,以吸引消费者和零售商光顾其物业。这些项目最终将在全球推广。 6park.com

It responded by investing €60 million, equivalent to around $65 million, on developing new concepts to attract consumers and retailers to its properties. These will eventually roll out globally. 6park.com

Andersen说:“这不仅仅是出租空间,还要激活它,让它更具活力。”她说,这包括将购物中心用作活动场所,并鼓励美发沙龙和医疗中心等服务行业与零售品牌一起入驻。 6park.com

“It’s not just about renting out space, it’s about activating it and making it much more alive,” Andersen said. That includes using a mall as an event space, she said, and encouraging service businesses such as hair salons and medical centers to occupy spots alongside retail brands. 6park.com

一个名为Hej!Workshop的新联合办公品牌就是这样一个例子,它的入驻为商场带了来客流。 6park.com

A new co-working brand called Hej! Workshop is one such means of bringing traffic into its malls. 6park.com

Hej!(瑞典语“你好”)在Ingka购物中心的第三家联合办公空间最近开业,位于旧金山市中心的Ingka购物中心内。该共享办公空间可容纳500名员工,月租金为399美元,办公空间里摆满了宜家的家具,包括休闲沙发区。 6park.com

Ingka recently opened the third Hej!—Swedish for hello—at its mall in downtown San Francisco. With capacity for 500 workers, and costing $399 a month, the shared-office space is fully loaded with IKEA furniture, including sofa areas for relaxation.

宜家运营商 Ingka 表示,其商场客流正在增加。

Andersen说,Hej!的入驻既能为Ingka购物中心增添人气,又能作为一项独立的盈利业务。 6park.com

Hej! is intended to both help populate Ingka’s malls and be a stand-alone, profitable business, Andersen said. 6park.com

该旧金山购物中心也将成为第一家开设Ingka新概念美食区Saluhall的Ingka购物中心。该美食区预计将于春季开业。餐品以北欧美食为灵感,将有80%为植物性食材,并使用当地供应商。 6park.com

The San Francisco mall will also be the first to host Saluhall, Ingka’s new food hall concept, which is slated to open in the spring. With Nordic cuisine as its inspiration, the menu will be 80% plant-based and use local suppliers. 6park.com

儿童游乐区包括了一个名为“太空实验室”(SpaceLab)的地方,提供太空主题创意活动,商场内还设有服装和其他产品的维修中心,这些都是Ingka在一些商场试行的特色服务,旨在提高商场的吸引力。 6park.com

Play areas for children—including one called SpaceLab that is offering space-themed creative activities—and repair hubs for clothes and other products are features Ingka has been trialing in some of its malls to boost their appeal. 6park.com

这家宜家品牌运营商表示,该策略已经奏效,Ingka商场的客流正在上升。 6park.com

The IKEA operator says its approach is working, with visitor numbers at the company’s malls increasing. 6park.com

例如,伦敦Ingka购物中心去年的客流量几乎比前年翻了一番。Ingka买下Hammersmith购物中心时,约有四分之一的单元是空置的。经过改造后,该购物中心的单位已全部出租,改造后的购物中心拥有社区空间,增加了餐饮选择,并向非零售商户敞开大门,这些非零售商户都是购物中心的常客,其中包括一家健身房。 6park.com

Traffic at Ingka’s mall in London, for example, nearly doubled last year from the year before. When the company bought the Hammersmith mall about a quarter of its units were vacant. Now it’s fully let after a makeover that revamped community spaces, added food options and opened the door to nonretail occupants that have regular visitors, including a gym. 6park.com

Andersen说,Ingka商场的客流正在强劲回升,随着疫情影响消退,人们希望一起出来活动活动。 6park.com

“It’s coming back strongly,” Andersen said of traffic to Ingka’s malls. As the pandemic’s impact recedes, “people want to be together.”


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