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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-01-26 18:03 已读 4655 次 2 赞  



案件回顾: 6park.com

刘女士和周先生系微信好友。周先生常以经济困难为由多次向刘女士“求助”。2020年至2021年间,刘女士共给周先生发送钱款15669元,其中以微信转账支付12900元,以微信红包支付2769元。刘女士多次催还,但周先生辩称,这些钱不是借的,是赠与。双方协商无果,刘女士去年诉至北京市海淀区人民法院。 6park.com

Last year, a woman surnamed Liu and a man surnamed Zhou had a dispute over whether the funds that had been transferred between them were gifts or loans expected to be repaid. 6park.com

Beijing Haidian District People’s Court heard that from 2020 to 2021, Liu provided Zhou with a total of 15,669 yuan ($2,180), either through WeChat red packets or money transfer. 6park.com

Zhou insisted that the money was given to him, not a loan, even though Liu had urged him to repay the money several times. The two failed to negotiate, so Liu initiated the lawsuit. 6park.com



最终,法院认定刘女士通过微信红包发送的2769元为赠与,无需周先生偿还;通过微信转账的12900元为借款,周先生应予偿还。 6park.com

The court eventually identified 2,769 yuan sent via red packets as gift money that did not need to be repaid. As for the remaining 12,900 yuan sent through WeChat transfer, the court deemed it as a loan, ordering Zhou to pay back the money. 6park.com



但……你真的get了吗? 6park.com

为什么双语君总感觉还有哪没说明白呢…… 6park.com


▪ 双语君:刘女士的微信红包和微信转账具体是怎么认定的?

▪ 法官:在上述案件中,刘女士给周先生发送了金额为十几元、几十元至200元不等的微信红包。从微信聊天记录来看,刘女士也表现出这笔钱是出于对周先生日常生活花费的资助,所以这笔钱被认定是刘女士的赠与行为,无需偿还。 6park.com


▪ 双语君:那微信红包都是赠与,都不用还?微信转账都是借贷,都要还?

▪ 法官:这不能一概而论!民间借贷包含两个方面的成立要件,一是借贷双方存在借贷合意;二是款项实际交付。无论微信红包还是微信转账,款项均已实际交付时,就要看双方是否达成借贷合意。 6park.com

如果你将微信红包的附言修改为“借款”或在微信沟通中写明其他用途,就要结合具体情形来认定款项性质,不易直接认定为赠与。 6park.com

如果你在情人节、好友生日等特别的日子里通过微信转账支付金额“1314”或“520”,且向对方表达祝福和情意,那这笔钱不易认定为借款。 6park.com

在刘女士和周先生的案子里,之所以对这两种不同支付方式的款项作出不同认定,源于双方当事人意思表示不明确,不代表所有情形都能适用。所以,不能简单理解为微信红包都是赠与,微信转账都是借款。 6park.com

Calling for residents to be wary of online transfers, the court stressed that the verdict does not mean all WeChat red packets can be identified as gift money and all fund transfers as loans. 6park.com

If someone sends a red packet and leaves a messages saying it’s a loan, the money will not be deemed as gift. If a sum of money is sent via money transfer during festivals or on birthdays, it will also not be appropriate for it to be considered a loan. 6park.com

Only when the purpose of the money is not indicated at the time of payment, causing disputes, will judges make a ruling based on the functional difference between WeChat red envelopes and money transfers.

法官提示👇👇👇 6park.com

逢年过节,大家在发送微信红包或转账时不妨“三思”一下。 6park.com



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