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送交者: icemessenger[♂☆★★★SuperMod★★★☆♂] 于 2024-01-14 17:52 已读 4496 次 1 赞  





网友对演员的敬业表示钦佩的同时,还非常好奇这种快速减肥方法,一年减重100斤真的能实现吗?会对身体造成伤害吗? 6park.com

An increasing number of inquiries about rapid weight loss are being fielded by local medics after famous comedian and actress Jia Ling stated she has lost 50 kilograms in a year for a film role. 6park.com

It has even become one of top searches and hot topics online. 6park.com

However doctors warn that such a rapid loss of weight is not healthy, and has potential risks.


据都市快报报道,“贾玲持续一年多成功减重100斤,相当于每个月减重不到10斤,这是有可能的”。 6park.com

浙江中医药大学附属第二医院(浙江省新华医院)营养科副主任营养师、国家注册营养师陈秋霞提道,关键是,必须在专业的营养师和健身教练团队综合保障下进行。 6park.com

It is possible to lose 50 kilograms in a little over a year, which is equivalent to losing less than 5 kilograms per month, said Chen Qiuxia, the deputy chief nutritionist of the Nutrition Department of Xinhua Hospital of Zhejiang Province. 6park.com

But it is vital to undergo this process under the comprehensive support of professional nutritionists and fitness trainers. 6park.com

陈秋霞说,虽然目前不知道贾玲具体的减肥过程波线图,有可能是前期强化减重,后面慢慢稳定持续下降体重,也可能是一直采取稳固下降体重的形式,但不管是哪种形式,减重100斤是有可能实现的。但从健康安全的角度看,持续时间起码6个月以上。如果想在更短时间内减这么多体重,机体或许就抗议了。 6park.com

Chen said for health and safety concerns, a weight loss of 50 kilograms should take at least 6 months. If one aims to lose this much weight in a shorter period, the body might protest.



1. 碳水是人体必需品,不要视作洪水猛兽 6park.com

在人体所需能量中,蛋白质占到15%-20%、脂肪占比25%-30%,剩下的能量全部由碳水供给,占到50%以上。 6park.com

大部分含碳水食物除了提供必要的能量还提供大量膳食纤维,这些都是保障机体正常运行的必备条件,可以用粗粮和杂粮代替精白米面。 6park.com

Carbohydrate-rich foods not only provide essential energy but also supply a large amount of dietary fiber, both of which are essential for the normal functioning of the body. To lose weight, one can consume more coarse grains and mixed grains instead of refined rice and flour.

2. 保证正确的饮食结构 6park.com

很多人减肥,减掉的不是脂肪,而是肌肉,这就会导致一系列问题产生。可以多选择富含蛋白质的鱼虾、禽、蛋、瘦肉及新鲜蔬菜,注意进餐秩序,放慢速度。 6park.com

Many people lose muscle rather than fat when trying to lose weight. It is advisable to choose protein-rich foods such as fish, shrimp, poultry, eggs, lean meat, and fresh vegetables.

3. 固定进餐时间 6park.com

一日三餐要安排固定的时间,养成定时进餐的习惯。 6park.com

It is important to have fixed meal times with three meals a day and to cultivate the habit of eating at regular intervals.

4. 注意身体信号 6park.com

减肥稍稍不慎就容易对身体产生伤害,减肥过程中如果出现疲惫感或者食欲减退等情况,要及时寻求专业医生的帮助。 6park.com

If fatigue or decreased appetite occurs during the weight loss process, seeking timely help from a professional doctor is recommended.

5. 减肥要循序渐进 6park.com


6. 规律、适度地锻炼 6park.com


7. 不盲目减肥 6park.com

减肥需要到专业的医疗机构进行评估、检测,进行人体成分分析,严格掌握适应症,有针对性地进行减脂。 6park.com


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