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英文早點 | 2019年3月23日:鳥類自學爲安全
送交者: 蓝莓我不蓝[☆★★★蓝🐱★★★☆] 于 2021-09-11 18:19 已读 962 次 2 赞  


     Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate. 6park.com


— Jon Bon Jovi, Musician 瓊‧邦‧喬飛 (音樂家)

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This is Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.


People speak thousands of languages in the world today. And same goes for the bird world.


"Each bird species has effectively its own language." Andy Radford, a professor of behavioral ecology at the University of Bristol. "And there might be similarities between some languages just as there are in the human world. And then there are other languages that sound extremely different, even though they're conveying exactly the same meaning."


In fact some birds are known to pick up on the "language" of other species...in particular, they've learned to detect danger by eavesdropping on the alarm calls of other birds.



Radford and his colleagues wanted to investigate how that learning occurs. So they first played an alarm call that fairy wrens, an Australian bird, shouldn't be familiar with - a computer-generated alarm call (synthetic call) meant to mimic a bird's. As expected, the unfamiliar sound had no effect on the fairy wrens.


But then the researchers paired the synthetic call with a chorus of alarm calls the wrens would recognize. (chorus) And after this training, the sound of the initially unfamiliar synthetic call alone (synthetic call) was enough to send the birds ducking HA! for cover. The results are in the journal Current Biology. 6park.com



Radford says the study shows birds can learn from their peers, without ever seeing them...or a predator either. "And so I think that's the coolest thing of all, is that you can learn with your eyes shut about something really important in the natural world."

但隨後,研究人員將電腦合成的叫聲與細尾鷯鶯能識別出的警報叫聲和聲組合在一起。(和聲)經過這種訓練,細尾鷯鶯一開始不熟悉的合成叫聲本身(合成叫聲),就足以讓這些鳥兒閃避躲藏。這項研究結果發表在《當代生物學》期刊上。 6park.com


Thanks for listening for Scientific American — 60-Second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.

拉德福德表示,這項研究表明,鳥兒可以向同伴學習,即使從來沒有看到過同伴或捕食者。「所以,我認爲最酷的地方在於,閉上眼睛學習自然界中真正重要的東西。」 6park.com

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