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30-Second Wine: The 50 Essential Elements
送交者: 边疆大将[★最强攻击★] 于 2020-08-25 8:08 已读 1143 次 2 赞  


Surrounded by mystique, the world of wine can be intimidating for the novice. What’s the difference between bouquet and nose? Is Rioja a wine or a region? What’s an appellation? 6park.com

And are you prepared to ask any of those questions at a dinner party or in a restaurant? 6park.com

30-Second Wine breaks down the subject, decanting the knowledge you need into palatable sips. Compiled by lead editor Gerard Basset, with contributions from an impressive assembly of wine experts, the book is organised in a sequence of well-thought-out chapters; taking you from terroir to the technicalities of winemaking, introducing you to the important grapes and iconic regions, offering an overview of the business of wine and how it works, and concluding with a section on the enjoyment of wine. And with every entry edited into a neat and effective 300 words, it will leave you plenty of time to put your new-found expertise into practice. 6park.com


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