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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2022-10-31 14:35 已读 639 次  


The Philippines doesn't disappoint as most ex-pats can live comfortably without compromise. Known for its tropical weather and natural beauty, it's easy to be in wonder of your surroundings almost anywhere in the country. 6park.com

Rent is 24% cheaper
Groceries are 33% cheaper 6park.com


When we think of Portugal, we envision seafood and pristine beaches but the country is even more than just that. Portugal is renowned for its excellent food, a relaxed lifestyle, and affordable living. The capital city is Lisbon and remains as one of the top destinations for travelers from all around the globe.

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While the average salary may be a bit lower than some other countries in the region, it's still affordable living. And what a location! 6park.com

Rent is 26% cheaper
Groceries are 28% cheaper 6park.com


It's pretty clear that not all of Italy is going to be cheap! Many countries have both expensive and inexpensive cities, sometimes you need to find a balance. Everything costs more in tourist areas, while affordable places might be a bit too off the path.

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If you're looking for a Tuscan lifestyle at an affordable price then the province of Abruzzo is an excellent choice. It's close to Florence with access to the Adriatic coastline as well as mountainous areas. 6park.com

Rent is 21% cheaper
Groceries are 18% cheaper 6park.com


Nowadays, Nicaragua offers the lowest cost of living in Central America, its been said that its 10 times cheaper than the United States. Nicaragua's lower cost of living doesn't suggest you have to compromise on the quality of life you may have gotten used to in the United States.

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In fact, you will presumably be able to live with even more luxuries than you had before, simply because the prices are so reasonable in Nicaragua.

Rent is 26% cheaper
Groceries are 14% cheaper 6park.com


Venezuela does have an unfortunate reputation for being dangerous, but the country has some beautiful scenery, but very few foreign tourists visit the country, despite it being one of the most inexpensive on our list.

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For those who do move to Venezuela, they live in gated communities due to the high crime rate. But beware, safety services like police, fire and civil protection can be notably scarce when faced with an emergency. 6park.com

Rent is 18% cheaper
Groceries are 28% cheaper 6park.com

El Salvador

The largest city of San Salvador may not be the best tourist destination when compared to the smaller town of Santa Ana. Bein another colonial town, it is friendly and easier to deal with than the capital, and it's easier to find English speakers here as well.

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With a coastline of over 100 miles, teeming with warm beaches that are considered amongst the best in the world, El Salvador should be more renowned. 6park.com

Rent is 30% cheaper
Groceries are 43% cheaper 6park.com


Chile has made real steps when it comes to development in the last few decades. The capital city of Santiago could be mistaken for a city in the United States, as tall skyscrapers have jumped up along the Andes-filled city skyline. Chile probably has the lowest level of corruption in Latin America, as well as the strongest economy.

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The cost of living in Chile is 40% lower than in the US, and when combined with the high standard of living, and the lowest level of poverty, Chile makes for a decent place to live. 6park.com

Rent is 29% cheaper
Groceries are 36% cheaper 6park.com


A new entry on our list is Nigeria. Many may wonder about the high levels of corruption, occasional fuel shortage, and the havoc caused by Boko Haram, but Nigeria remains one of the cheapest countries in Africa.

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With national reserve parks and wide-open savannahs next to towering mountains to the thriving nightlife in Lagos. It might also be one of the countries with the best tax rates. 6park.com

Rent is 44% cheaper
Groceries are 31% cheaper 6park.com


Many grow up daydreaming about living in Europe one day, and Latvia ticks a lot of the boxes for those looking for in a European home. The biggest city in the Baltics, Riga has the quality to rival the most popular tourist destinations in Europe.

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With amazing architecture, inspiring history, and quaint countryside scenes all for dirt cheap prices, making it a sound choice if you're planning to move to a country in Europe. 6park.com

Rent is 30% cheaper
Groceries are 35% cheaper 6park.com


Spain has long been a popular relocation destination, and for good reason. This large country has a lot of history and culture.

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Although not all ex-pats in Madrid are from cities as expensive as San Francisco, it's undeniable that for Americans, the cost of living in Spain is pretty cheap. 6park.com

Rent is 24% cheaper
Groceries are 14% cheaper 6park.com


Guatemala is home to mountainous terrain and a diversity of ecosystems. Wetlands, lakes, swamps, deserts, beaches, and rivers make this country unique. There are Mayan ruins and indigenous Mayan people living in quaint villages as well as the colonial ruins of Antigua to see.

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Guatemala has the strongest economy in Central America, but more than half the population is poor, surviving on $2 per day. On the upside, it is a friendly culture and new people are welcomed. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 3 times lower
Rent is 2 times lower
Groceries are 53% lower
Local goods and services are 30% lower 6park.com


One of the best places in Honduras to relocate is Roatan. It is an island off the coast of the Central American nation located in the Caribbean. Visas are easy to obtain. All of Honduras boasts an enviable climate and beautiful natural surroundings.

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For $200,000, you can call a beachfront condo in the Caribbean home. Roatan was named one of the best islands to retire by “International Living,” however, life is not great for locals. Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 3 times lower
Rent is 75% lower
Groceries are 91% lower
Cost of living is 41% lower 6park.com


Panama has a stable government, so the infrastructure is replete with high-speed internet and reliable power. It is a small nation with very long coastlines. Panamanians are accustomed to Americans and generally cheerful. Healthcare is high quality and significantly more affordable.

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You can grab a brewski for 50 cents, literally, in Panama they use the dollar. There are few drawbacks to this lovely nation of cities, beaches, and mountains that border the Caribbean on one coast and the Pacific on the other. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 3 times lower
Rent is 14% lower
Groceries are 41% lower
Cost of living is 30%  6park.com


Jordan borders Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq. Many people are attracted to its history in Petra, a place that holds a geographic location of a culture predating the world’s three major religions. Islam is the state religion.

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Jordan has the highest cost of living of any Middle East nation, but relative to the U.S., it’s very affordable. Don’t worry about healthcare, Jordan has the best healthcare system in the Middle East and doctors are fluent in English. In Jordan, you will need to get a residence permit. It’s different from a visa and it must be renewed annually. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 70% lower
Rent is 76% lower
Groceries are 39% lower
Cost of living index 51.21 6park.com


It is very economical to live in Greece and the nation is rich in natural beauty. Greece boasts some of the Mediterranean’s most beautiful coastal scenery. Rent is lower than almost anywhere else.

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However, there has been a lot of poverty and social discontent. The nation has faced economic disaster and massive government debt. Banking services may not be up to par. But the weather is a dream, and you can rent a one-bedroom for $650 in the ancient city of Athens. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 3.6% lower
Rent is 68% lower
Groceries are 68% lower
Local goods and services are 64% lower 6park.com


Uruguay has magnificent landscapes, an attractive climate, and a welcoming culture. The crime rate is low, the economy is strong, and the social system is stable. Education, pensions, and healthcare are provided to its citizens. The South American country located between Brazil and Argentina has become a popular ex-pat destination.

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It has a population of 3.5 million. Montevideo is a bustling city and the capital. Property is a fraction of the cost compared with large American cities, but Uruguay’s growing economy has made it more costly than other South American nations. 6park.com

Local purchasing power index is 28.64
Rent is 67% lower
Groceries are 44% lower
Cost of living is 28% lower 6park.com


Paraguay is landlocked, unique to South America, and borders Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina, but that doesn’t mean it is not beautiful. The country is about the size of California. Lush forests, subtropical climate, and amazing landscapes impress. The Iguazu Falls bordering Brazil and Argentina and surrounded by rainforest are some of the world’s most stunning waterfalls.

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The falls are 270 feet high. Paraguay has a strong economy, gradually making it the envy of South American nations. But compared to the U.S. the cost of living in Paraguay is significantly less. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 73% lower
Rent is 63% lower
Groceries are 75% lower
Local goods and services are 69% lower 6park.com


Zimbabwe is an African nation located near Madagascar and landlocked by Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa. The country has a fascinating history and a rich culture. It possesses two UNESCO sites and Africa’s best safari locations.

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Pouring from the Zambezi River on the Zambia border, the stunning Victoria Falls is the world’s largest waterfall. The nation is gradually becoming more Western making it an inviting relocation, however, human rights have been known to suffer under an authoritarian government. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 82% lower
Rent is 77% lower
Groceries are 41% lower
Local goods and services are 32% lower 6park.com


Cuba is a gorgeous island in the Caribbean with spectacular beaches. What else do you need to know? The medical tourism industry has contributed to Cuba’s economic growth. Healthcare and education are available to all in the small island nation located off the coast of Florida and between the Caribbean islands of Jamaica, the Caymans, and the Bahamas.

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Cuba’s reputation has been marred by a communist past, so it is interesting that Fidel Castro’s economy was stronger then. Having said that, it is coming back, due, in part, to the Obama administration’s efforts of improved relations. 6park.com

Local purchasing power 98% lower Rent is 61% lower
Groceries are 32% lower
Local goods and services are 35% 6park.com


Located on the coast of West Africa, Senegal is a former French colony with a population of 4 million people. The sovereign nation is one of the most politically stable in African. The capital is Dakar, an Atlantic port city jetting from the Senegal coastline on the Cap-Vert peninsula. It is generally a safe place to live, however, it is a developing nation.

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French is the most common language, though it is a mix with Wolof. English is rare. Be sure to be vaccinated against yellow fever and typhoid. It is substantially cheaper to live in Senegal with the exception of electricity. The nation lacks a central power grid leaving the price of electricity to be comparable to a developed nation like Finland. 6park.com

Local purchasing power is 81% lower
Rent is 43% lower
Groceries are 25% lower
The cost of living is 25% lower 
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