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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-11-29 13:42 已读 504 次  


大中华只有可怜的3500年的历史,根本就没有5000年的历史 6park.com




Ask ChatGPT, 缺乏物证? 所以 中国只有3500年的历史? 6park.com

缺乏物证? 为中国?






中国历史有多长?根本就没有5000年的历史,这是中共编造出来的。 6park.com

3500年有实物证据,1500年根据文字推论。三星堆发掘原来中华文明源自其他文明让历史学家和中共哑口无言。 6park.com

注意有文字记载的,但不一定有实物记载。根本就没有5000年的历史,这是中共编造出来的 6park.com

中国历史有多长? 6park.com

3,500 年 6park.com

一位中国的老传教士曾说,中国历史“遥远、单调、晦涩,最糟糕的是,它太多了”。 中国拥有世界上最长的连续历史——3500 年的书面历史6park.com

中国有4000年历史了吗? 6park.com

中国是一个幅员辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的东亚国家。 有文字记载可追溯到4000年前,与古埃及、巴比伦和印度并列为世界四大文明古国之一。 6park.com

中国的历史是从什么时候开始的? 6park.com

中国是世界四大文明古国之一,有文字记载的中国历史可以追溯到 3000 多年前的商朝(约公元前 1600 年至公元前 1046 年)。 6park.com

中国经常提到它有 5000 年的历史。 依据是什么? 这是国际公认的主张吗?地球上其他地方也可以这样说吗?

中国声称拥有 5,000 年的历史取决于您对“历史”是什么以及它何时开始的定义。

在英语世界,至少在历史学家中,共识似乎是“历史”始于书面记录。 如果按照这个标准,那么中国一口气肯定只能报4000; 最早的“甲骨”——商巫在其上书写古代中文的龟甲骨和牛肩胛骨——可以追溯到公元前 1200 年左右,所以我们只谈了 3200 年,如果你慷慨地假设写作需要一个 要发展到在这些肩胛骨装备上发现的形式,您也许可以追溯到公元前 2000 年。

在随意、非专业地使用“历史”一词的方式——在英语和汉语中——当人们引用一个文明的历史开始时,他们通常指的是该文明可以说具有的日期 开始了。 当中国人说 5000 年时,他们实际上是回到了主要是传说的前文字时代,在此期间可能存在“文明”——有组织的、分层的社会建立了城市——但尚未出土确凿的考古证据。 6park.com

根据书面历史测试,还有其他文明的历史可以追溯到公元前 3000 年,更不用说不太正式的历史开端白话定义了。 然而,中国的与众不同之处在于它是唯一真正幸存下来的古代文明之一,而且是在古代历史发生的同一地理区域。 埃及和美索不达米亚文明符合条件,印度北部的印度河流域文明和克里特岛的米诺斯文明几乎可以追溯到那么远,但很难证明它们与现代印度和希腊在任何真正意义上是连续的 . 是的,有一个横跨尼罗河的国家叫做埃及,但它是一个讲阿拉伯语的国家,主要是阿拉伯国家,自 7 世纪中叶阿拉伯人征服以来。 美索不达米亚大约在同一时间成为阿拉伯人,虽然有一小部分人可能确实是古代美索不达米亚人的直接后裔(例如,声称是古代亚述人后裔的叙利亚基督徒),但他们并不构成一个文明 中国有。

但暂时不要介意经常使用(和嘲笑)的“5,000 年”这个数字。 由于我们谈论的是语言,关于中文的一个令人印象深刻的注释是,正如 Quora 用户 Samuel Daniel Zhao 赵思恩所指出的那样,它从公元前 2000 年一直延续到现代:

商代使用甲骨,周、春秋战国使用大小印,汉代使用隶书。 行书和草书只用于书法。

与后世汉字有明显的连贯性。 其中一些几乎保持不变。 6park.com


https://thechinaproject.com/2018/08/13/kuora-chinas-claim-to-5000-years-of-history/ 6park.com


China often notes it has 5,000 years of history. On what basis? Is this an internationally agreed claim and could the same be said of other places on Earth?

China’s claim to 5,000 years of history depends on your definition of what “history” is and when it starts.


In the English-speaking world, at least among historians, the consensus seems to be that “history” starts with written records. If this standard is applied, then certainly China can only claim 4,000 at a stretch; the earliest “oracle bones” — turtle plastrons and scapulae of oxen on which the Shang shamans wrote an archaic version of Chinese — date back to about 1200 BCE, so we’re only talking 3,200 years, and if you generously assume that writing took a little while to develop to the form in which it’s found on these accoutrements of scapulimancy, you can maybe go back as far as 2000 BCE.

In the casual, non-specialist way that the word “history” is used — in English as well as in Chinese — what people often mean when they cite the beginning of a civilization’s history is the date at which that civilization can be said to have begun. When Chinese say 5,000 years, they’re really reaching back into preliterate times of mostly legend, during which there may have been “civilization” — organized, stratified societies that built cities — but of which no solid archaeological evidence has yet been unearthed.


There were other civilizations with histories that date back to 3000 BCE by the written history test, let alone the less formal beginning-of-history vernacular definition. What distinguishes China, though, is that it’s the only one of the ancient civilizations to have actually survived, and done so in the same geographic region where that ancient history all took place. Egypt and the civilization of Mesopotamia qualify, the Indus Valley civilization of north India and the Minoan civilization of Crete almost reach back that far, but it would be hard to make the case that they’re continuous in any real sense with modern India and Greece. Yes, there’s a nation astride the Nile that’s called Egypt, but it’s an Arab-speaking, mostly Arab state and has since the conquests of the Arabs in the mid-7th century. Mesopotamia became Arab around the same time, and though there are pockets of people who may indeed be descended directly from ancient Mesopotamian peoples (the Syriac Christians who claim descent from the ancient Assyrians, for instance), they don’t comprise a civilization the way China does.

But never mind the oft-used (and mocked) “5,000 years” figure for now. Since we were talking about language, one impressive note about the Chinese language is that, as pointed out by Quora user Samuel Daniel Zhao 赵思恩, it is contiguous from 2000 BCE to modern day:

The oracle bone was used in the Shang Dynasty, the greater and lesser seal were used during the Zhou, Spring and Autumn/ Warring States Periods, while the Clerical script was used in the Han Dynasty. The running and the cursive script are only used in calligraphy.

There’s obvious contiguity with later Chinese characters. Some of them remain almost unchanged.



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