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送交者: mrp[♂☆★真高华黄昂撒★☆♂] 于 2020-03-17 21:26 已读 4469 次  


共和党参议院消息人士告诉CNN,美国财政部长史蒂芬·姆努钦(Steven Mnuchin)周二警告共和党参议员,冠状病毒大流行可能导致美国失业率达到20%。  6park.com

姆努钦发表上述言论之际,他敦促共和党参议员对总额为1万亿美元的经济刺激措施采取行动,以避免发生最坏的情况。 6park.com

消息人士说,在同一次会议上,姆努钦还表示,他担心冠状病毒大流行的经济后果可能会比2008年的金融危机更为严重。 6park.com

姆努钦的评论是由彭博新闻社首先报道的,而与此同时,白宫和国会山的民众日益紧迫,正面临着日益严重的冠状病毒大流行的威胁-在公共卫生和经济方面。 6park.com

Treasury Secretary warns US could see 20% unemployment rate due to coronavirus, source says

From CNN's Jeremy Diamond

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned Republican senators Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic could drive up US unemployment to 20%, a Republican Senate source told CNN.

Mnuchin's comments came as he urged Republican senators to act on economic stimulus measures totaling $1 trillion designed to avert that kind of worst case scenario.

In the same meeting, Mnuchin also said he is concerned the economic ramifications of the coronavirus pandemic could be worse than the 2008 financial crisis, the source said.

Mnuchin's comments, which were first reported by Bloomberg News, come amid a rising sense of urgency at the White House and on Capitol Hill to confront the increasingly serious threat of the coronavirus pandemic — on both the public health and economic fronts.

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