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送交者: 蒙古[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2022-06-23 2:43 已读 2190 次  


Ford Mustang Mach-E Hailed as Top EV

How the mighty have fallen! Every year no less a standard of customer acceptance than Consumer Reports issues its list of the “Top Pick” for an all-electric vehicle. For 2022, Ford Motor Company has taken the glory from Elon Musk’s Tesla brand for highest honors. Having garnered glowing reports for consumer confidence, Ford’s excellent Mustang Mach-E crossover has nudged the Tesla Model 3 out of the number one spot after two years at the top.

Why the Mustang?

There may be more to consumers’ acceptance of the Mach-E than meets the eye. For one, it is a very sporty crossover with great design features and amazing performance. It’s also practical for families and may be easier to live with for Americans who have had positive experiences with Ford products in the past. Plus, the Mustang has an excellent infotainment system, the very latest driver assist features, and is extremely reliable. The Mustang scored higher in both usability and reliability than the Tesla.

Jake Fisher, senior director of automotive testing at Consumer Reports, says he was impressed with the Mach-E as soon as he drove one. “Not only is it a really fun vehicle to drive, it is sporty, but it is also extremely mature,” Fisher told CNBC. “When I say that it rides nice, it is very quiet. I mean it really feels well built.” Fisher says that the Mach-E also has superior hands-free driving technology over the Model 3, especially when alerting drivers who aren’t paying attention. Ford’s BlueCruise system uses a camera to monitor and alert drivers when they are distracted and aren’t focused on the road.

So far, the Mach-E has logged very few issues, and that, in combination with owner reviews as well as testing done by Consumer Reports, prompted its ascension into the number one spot. The Tesla Model 3 fell seven spots this year to 23rd place in the company’s ranking of 32 major automobile brands. It is the poorest showing in the seven years that Tesla has been included in the “Top Picks” list. As for other brands that made the “Top Picks” list this year, Subaru was rated number one overall, followed by Mazda, BMW, Honda and Lexus. You’ll find a complete review of the Mustang Mach-E right here on GreenCars.

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