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送交者: 中间派[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2022-06-22 16:03 已读 652 次  


NASA Insists All Is Well as the Webb Telescope's Mirror Gets Dinged 6park.com


The Webb telescope in its clean room. One of the mirror's 18 segments has been dinged be a micrometeoroid.
NASA Goddard 6park.com


JUNE 17, 2022 4:23 PM EDT 6park.com

In some ways, the last place you’d want to put the James Webb Space Telescope is, well, in space. If you owned a $10 billion car, you wouldn’t leave it out in a hail storm, and while there’s no hail in space, there are plenty of micrometeoroids—high speed debris no bigger than a dust grain but moving so fast they can pack a true destructive wallop. Every day, millions of such fragments rain down on Earth, but they incinerate in the atmosphere long before they reach the ground. The Webb, parked in a spot in space 1.6 million km (1 million mi.) from Earth, has no such protection. And as NASA and others have reported in the past week, its mirror—the heart of the space telescope—has already been dinged five times by tiny space flecks, the most recent of which has done real, but correctable, damage. 6park.com

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