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美国证监会主席Jay Clayton说 中概股有问题
送交者: maddogs[♂★★★认真的青铜★★★♂] 于 2020-04-28 16:46 已读 5511 次  


The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission just fired another round across the bow of China’s securities market. It’s not the first time someone in SEC leadership has come out and criticized the lack of transparency of Chinese companies listed on the NYSE. None of them follow the same auditing rules their U.S. counterparts have to follow. Will this latest round find its target? 6park.com

cited from Fobes 6park.com

既然那么高层的人士出来站台说话,  我又正好看见有人做了这类视频   从大家最近感兴趣的   “瑞幸”开始谈起   通过视频可以看看大致“雪湖”资本是如何做空的   也了解一下相互之间的结盟好处是怎么样的

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