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送交者: vegemite003[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-04-15 23:38 已读 5795 次  


LONDON (Reuters) - Pulling funding from the World Health Organization 
(WHO) is a  dangerous and nonsensical move when the world is facing the 
health crisis brought by the COVID-19 disease pandemic, Melinda Gates 
said on Wednesday.  6park.com

Announcing an extra $150 million of funding from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help speed the development of treatments, vaccines and public health measures to tackle the new coronavirus outbreak, Melinda Gates said the WHO was “exactly the organization that can deal with this pandemic”.

“De-funding the WHO makes absolutely no sense during a pandemic. We need a global coordinated response,” Gates, who co-chairs the foundation with the billionaire Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, said in a telephone interview.

“When you’re in a crisis like this, it’s all hands on deck.”

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-gates/gates-ups-pandemic-funds-to-250-million-says-trump-who-move-makes-no-sense-idUSKCN21X3FK 6park.com

贴主:vegemite003于2020_04_15 23:39:52编辑 6park.com

贴主:vegemite003于2020_04_15 23:40:06编辑
贴主:vegemite003于2020_04_16 0:38:23编辑
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