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波音后天的Q3报告期待每股赚$2.04 我看这完全脱离现实
送交者: eachus[★★声望品衔10★★] 于 2019-10-21 10:44 已读 110 次  


回答: 波音出大问题了,中午突然跌了19美元 由 eachus 于 2019-10-18 12:46

落差非常巨大, 分析师们这个预估害死很多人:  6park.com

Will Higher Defense Deliveries Aid Boeing's (BA) Q3 Earnings? 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/higher-defense-deliveries-aid-boeings-143802367.html 6park.com

Will the Overall Result Reflect Growth? 6park.com

While Boeing’s commercial aircraft business contributes almost 60% to its total revenues, the defense and global services units together account for 39%. Lower 737 deliveries must have impacted the company’s top line as well as bottom line under pressure in the quarter to be reported. Click here to know how the company’s overall Q3 performance is expected to be. 6park.com

The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company’s total revenues in the third quarter is pegged at $19.34 billion, suggesting a 23.1% decline from the prior-year reported number. The consensus estimate for Boeing’s Q3 earnings is pegged at $2.04 per share, indicating 43% decline from the year-ago quarter reported figure.
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