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送交者: NDT81[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2022-01-05 20:59 已读 2657 次  


通用Silverado全电动皮卡今天在CES2022发布,并开始预定 6park.com

 Chevrolet Silverado EV specs

Expected GM-estimated 400-mile range on a full charge offered on Work Truck (WT) and RSTUp to 664 horsepower with more than 780 lb-ft of torque in available
max power Wide Open Watts Mode on RST, enabling a GM-estimated 0-60 mph
time of less than 4.5 secondsStandard DC fast charging (up to 350kW) on WT and RSTUp to 10.2kW of offboard power on WT and RST with optional equipmentUp to 10,000 pounds of maximum trailering with up to 1,300 pounds of
payload on RST. WT will offer 8,000 pounds of towing and 1,200 pounds
of payload. After initial launch, Chevrolet will introduce a fleet model
with up to 20,000 pounds max trailering with the max tow package
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