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没有电池load tester时如何加载测量电池来决定是应充电还是换新电池.
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2020-12-18 16:54 已读 2989 次  


没有电池load tester时如何加载测量电池来决定是应充电还是换新电池.发动机启动时的16组数据.

my Subaru Forester battery 6 years old (14D) with a small CCA=390A lasted 6 years. I noticed the battery problem last year (when it was a 5-year battery). I monitored the engine's start up for a year. With a set of 16 cars/batteries, I now know the characteristics of an old battery. I can analyze more data if other people contribute their data. How To Load Test A Car Battery Without Buying A Load Tester.
more details or full transcript can be found here:
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