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没开过就别这么大声,对Odyssey高度评价的也不止motor trend一家
送交者: Fremont[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2018-06-11 19:30 已读 352 次  


回答: 又来。。。不解释了自己去看专业测评网站给的Handling得分 由 小母牛 于 2018-06-11 19:01

Worried your life is going to be super lame if you get a minivan? You can chill. The Odyssey handles brilliantly, and you can look at that two equally good ways. On the one hand, the exasperated parent will be happy the van moves so fluidly, with so little head toss it will never disturb the kids. On the other, it’s impressive how fast you can hustle around a corner. The Odyssey corners shockingly flat for a van, has far more grip than you’d think, and is unflustered by mid-corner bumps. Other minivans don’t handle this well, and a fair number of sedans and SUVs don’t, either.

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