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《诸神的紫菜包饭》05 GodsOfTheSeaweedRice
送交者: SELECTED[布衣] 于 2016-12-29 20:32 已读 907 次 1 赞  


#咪咕动漫 #诸神的紫菜包饭 火热出炉!唐僧即将被处死,孙悟空带著两个师弟前去营救,与二郎神及诸位天兵天将打成一团。由于战况激烈,导致太虚幻境崩溃,众神仙因此穿越到了地球并失去法力。孙悟空三人得知师傅惨遭绑架,而沙悟净和猪八戒为了拿到救师傅的钱又绑架了一位大小姐……这个让人头疼的故事由此展开了…… #MiGuAnimation #GodsOfTheSeaweedRice The monk is captured and Sun Wukong brings his two apprentices to the rescue. The Erlang god brought his troops from the heavenly realms to fight! The fight was fierce, leading to the fall of the two territories. The gods roamed the earth and lost their powers. Sun Wukong learns that his master has been kidnapped, and while Sha Wu Jing and Zhu Ba Jie attempts to take the master’s money, they end up kidnapping a lady…. Watch how this complex story unfolds...
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