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送交者: pchome[♂★★★岛徒★★★♂] 于 2018-11-06 5:44 已读 220 次  



米尔纳拉卡泽特进球,阿森纳1-1利物浦 6park.com

Shadowoak(未知主队球迷):这比赛才看了35分钟,吓得我阳寿都快折了5年了…我的小心脏啊!(Only 35' in already shaved off 5 years off my life. My heart!) 6park.com

Mooud00(利物浦球迷):那说明你看利物浦的比赛还不够多…(It seems that you didn’t watch too many Liverpool games.) 6park.com


REDxSAM(未知主队球迷):下次特朗普再想在墨西哥边境修隔离墙,那不如就直接把莱诺放在那里得了,因为他本身就是一堵墙!(Next time Trump want to keep Mexican out just drop Leno in because my man is a fucking WALL.) 6park.com

Johnnyseattle(利物浦球迷):我还是更喜欢那个比较菜鸡的阿森纳…(I liked Arsenal more when they were underachieving.) 6park.com


AleDelPiero10(尤文球迷):范戴克这大胸停球的技能,怕是连巅峰的格策也比不上他…(VVD has a better chest touch even than peak Goetze.) 6park.com

bo-tvt(阿森纳球迷):每次我们在对方禁区前围攻10分钟都不进球的时候,就会立刻被对方反击进一个….(It's always when we play in the opponent's third for 10 minutes without scoring, we will concede from the very next attack.) 6park.com

iamPause(利物浦球迷):埃梅里就像是爱情剧里边的悲催男主,明明有个很好的妹子,却总是把注意力放在工作和赚钱上,最后妹子自然就移情别恋到其他高富帅身上去了…(Emery looks like the jerk in a romantic comedy who has the girl but cares too much about his job and money and ends up losing the girl to the quirky nice guy in the end.) 6park.com


EasyLif3(未知主队球迷):每次都有这么多球要去捡,阿森纳主场的场地管理员得付多少钱才能雇得起啊!(Whatever Arsenal’s groundsman is getting paid, it isn’t enough. Too many balls for them to pick up.) 6park.com

REDxSAM(未知主队球迷):克洛普好像都想把自己换上场,然后去给法比尼奥一拳把他打醒!(Klopp is about to sub himself on so he can suplex Fabinho to get him off asap.) 6park.com


拉什福德绝杀,曼联2-1伯恩茅斯 6park.com

Jassiexgill(阿森纳球迷):这比赛算是不错的开胃菜,接下来就要去看我厂的小可爱们被利物浦的大肌霸爆锤啦!(This game is a nice appetizer before I get to see the boys get shaken down and smacked by Liverpool’s big cock later.) 6park.com

Kiyomidesune(曼联球迷):解说员还说这不是曼联应有的表现,我想说的是,我都习惯曼联这样的表现了…(commentator "this is not a Manchester United performance so far". I dunno, seems pretty typical to me.) 6park.com


_Ultimatum_ (未知主队球迷):拉什福德这么多射门角度,为啥每次都挑唯一一个射不进的去踢…(Rashford kicked it the one place he had to avoid.) 6park.com

Elemayowe(曼联球迷):卢卡库曾说过他会亲自帮助拉什福德加练射门,也许这就是拉师傅不能射的原因吧…(Lukaku: “I give Rashford extra finishing lessons after training” It all makes sense why Rashford missed now.) 6park.com


Stukya(利物浦球迷):从比赛数据上看,伯恩茅斯就像是顶级球队一样…(Those Match stats make it look like Bournemouth were massively on top.) 6park.com

Mr_Lich12(曼城球迷):美国转播这比赛插播的广告竟然是宣传移民给美国带来的危害,可在美国看足球比赛最多的不正是移民么…(That American Ad for protecting America from immigrants lol, I bet most of audients for football matches are immigrants.) 6park.com


Don_Kahones(阿森纳球迷):为啥每场曼联比赛球员们看起来都像是从没一起踢过球一样啊?(why do the united team look like this is the first time they have played together?) 6park.com

Sureshot006(纽约红牛球迷):曼联赢球的比赛里,评论区也就没人说话了,可要是输了的话…(Empty thread because United won hahaha, not like when they lose.) 6park.com


(图):博格巴的小碎步会跑多久? 6park.com

Guuzmen(阿贾克斯球迷):下次拉什福德进球庆祝的时候,给他配个保镖确保他不要得牌…(Taking the guard with Rashford to cheer next time.... lol) 6park.com

t44s(米德尔斯堡球迷):伯恩茅斯这防守,简直烂得就像曼联一样!(Bournemouth defending like Man Utd there...) 6park.com


banzaimihai(阿森纳球迷):齐达内去曼彻斯特的航班再一次延误了!(Zidane's flight to Manchester, delayed again.) 6park.com

youretheonlyjuan(伊朗球迷):马夏尔这冷静过头了吧,怕是心率也就个位数…(Martial is so chill he has a resting heart rate in single digits.) 6park.com


拉莫斯点射,皇马2-0巴拉多利德 6park.com

Cr7godlike(未知主队球迷):皇马球员已经开始传中了,大家都在等C罗过来顶头球呢!(Madrid player are crossing ball, hoping that Ronaldo would suddenly appear.) 6park.com

Denzema123(皇马球迷):本泽马射门的时候别瞄大门了,干脆就瞄着天上踢吧,说不定这样就能进了…(Benzema could have shot that ball to the sky instead of the inside of the net, maybe it would work.) 6park.com


fuckthisshit0102(西班牙球迷):拉莫斯踢右后卫的时候,巴萨对位的先是小罗后是亨利。后来踢中后卫了,结果又碰上了踢伪九号的梅西和正统九号的苏神,这搁谁不得做噩梦碍(First Ronaldinho and then Henry when Ramos was RB, then Messi (false 9) and Suarez , damn he must have some nightmares.) 6park.com

LiamGallagher10(未知主队球迷):这才刚刚换完帅,维尼修斯的出场时间就已经超过在洛佩特吉手下的出场时间总和了…(According to the stats, Vinicius is already going to play more time with the new coach than with Lopetegui.) 6park.com


苏神绝杀,巴萨3-2巴列卡诺 6park.com

TheMountain(皇马球迷):万万没想到,巴列卡诺也有了虐皇马5个球的水平…. (hard to believe even Vallecano seems to be able to defeat us with 5 goals.) 6park.com

mikelin52(巴列卡诺球迷):其实我们的梦想是有朝一日也能赢皇马一次10-2…(To be honest we also want a 10-2 to you some day…) 6park.com


elizarrj(巴萨球迷):当你有皮神锋陷阵杀敌的时候,谁还需要梅西呢?(Who needs Messi back when you’ve got in form Striker Pique.) 6park.com

Bassfaceapollo(巴萨球迷):直到终场哨响我都不敢松开菊花,现在我终于理解利物浦球迷的感受了…(Didn't unclench your butt until the final whistle, now I know what those Liverpool fans meant.) 6park.com


Skadrys(巴萨球迷):天呐,这是到了什么日子,我们竟然在80分钟前换了个人?(wow, sub before 80. minute, what year is it.) 6park.com

2one2one2(巴萨球迷):罗贝托和苏亚雷斯的连线,仿佛看到了阿尔维斯和梅西连线的影子…(Sergi - Luis connection is on par with Alves – Messi.) 6park.com


酣畅淋漓,曼城6-1南安普顿 6park.com

TechnoPug(南安普顿球迷):至少我们的后卫可是得到了张免费的门票去看强队踢球!(my club’s defenders got a free ticket to see a great team at least.) 6park.com

sanjeet94(切尔西球迷):要不中场就直接结束比赛吧,大家都节约点时间…(Just end the game at Halftime and save everybody's time.) 6park.com


Wingardium(纽卡斯尔球迷):住手啊曼城,他们已经死了!(City, stop pls they are already dead…) 6park.com

Meteorite(南安普顿球迷):乐观点看,降级的话至少就不会再踢曼城了…(On the upside, once we get relegated we won't have to play City again!) 6park.com


SheWantsTwix(墨西哥球迷):曼城这也不咋样啊,这比分我和7岁的侄子踢球的时候随便就能踢出来!(City is a fraud I have scored that goal many 6park.com

times against my 7 year old nephews. I knew it could even work at the my level.) 6park.com

Devilscourtsman(切尔西球迷):就是,我玩FIFA生涯模式的时候也能玩出这样的结果!(Yep, this is what I have on my FIFA career mode.) 6park.com


NN77(南安普顿球迷):长夜漫漫,处处险恶...(The night is dark and full of terrors.) 6park.com

Computer_User_01(利物浦球迷):现在唯一的问题是,这比分输球对南安普顿来说,到底算是凭实力输球,还是尴尬的惨案…(The only question in my mind is if this is a normal defeat for Southampton or an embarrassing defeat for Southampton.) 6park.com


莫拉塔佩德罗进球,切尔西3-1水晶宫 6park.com

MorgratiosFT(切尔西球迷):现在我们可以说是伦敦城老大了!(We are dominating London now.) 6park.com

Cr7godlike(葡萄牙球迷):我早就知道,皇马真正失去的是莫拉塔而不是C罗!(So it is Morata what Madrid is missing ,not Ronaldo ,always knew that.) 6park.com


nate517(切尔西球迷):现在我们只需要再进十几个球就能追上曼城啦!(Only need 10 more to try and make up Citys.) 6park.com

WakeUpKevinMiller(巴萨球迷):一支球队整场都在阳痿,而换上阿扎尔后10分钟就能射两次,赶紧把他藏起来别让皇马看见…(So a team that looks impotent all game only needs 10 minutes of Hazard to score twice? Keep that man the fuck away from Madrid please.) 6park.com



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