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张帅温网超级逆转沃兹尼亚奇 从0-4到 6-4
送交者: 我是键盘侠[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2019-07-05 16:37 已读 13573 次  


LONDON, Great Britian - Zhang Shuai became the first player to book a spot in the round of 16 at Wimbledon on Friday.

The former World No.23 defeated No.14 seed Caroline Wozniacki, 6-4, 6-2 to reach the fourth round at the Championships for the first time.

With first-week victories over Wozniacki, former US Open semifinalist Yanina Wickmayer and No.23 seed Caroline Garcia, Zhang is the first Chinese player to make the second week in singles at Wimbledon since Peng Shuai in 2014.

"These three matches, I've moved well," Zhang said. "If I want to win, I must be focused, clear my mind and play my game.

"When the draw came out, no one was thinking I can win the first round, because [Caroline] Garcia played very well and won Nottingham. The last three matches, I played really, really well, so I just want to keep going."


Caroline Wozniacki's working honeymoon at the All England Club - with The Championships coming just days after her wedding in Tuscany - ended with a curious third round defeat to China's Shuai Zhang.

Playing in the broiling heat of No.2 Court, Wozniacki and Zhang's match suddenly flipped, with the Dane going 4-0 up in the opening set, only to then win just two more games all match for a 6-4, 6-2 loss.

There was at least a lighthearted moment for the newlyweds, when the umpire announced to the crowd that 'Miss Wozniacki' was challenging a line call, and she turned and smiled at her new husband, David Lee, who was sitting close to the court. But, that aside, this was a deeply disappointing defeat for Wozniacki, who had been attempting to become the first married champion since Chris Evert Lloyd in 1981, who was then with the British tennis player John Lloyd.

While this was her first Grand Slam since getting married, perhaps we should have been paying more attention to another first: this was the first time she had played Wimbledon since disclosing she is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, which could have had a bearing. 



贴主:我是键盘侠于2019_07_05 16:47:41编辑 6park.com

贴主:我是键盘侠于2019_07_05 16:49:36编辑
贴主:我是键盘侠于2019_07_05 16:50:21编辑

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