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Air Supply • 无中生有地做爱 || 詹妮弗·康纳利 • 爱与影
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-05-06 10:55 已读 2351 次 1 赞  


《Making Love Out of Nothing at All》是澳大利亚软摇滚乐队 Air Supply 演唱的一首歌曲,由吉姆·斯坦曼作词,于 1983 年作为专辑“Greatest Hits”中的单曲发行。 这首歌采用了罗素希区柯克标志性的高亢嗓音和格雷厄姆罗素的原声吉他和钢琴演奏,以及吉姆斯坦曼典型风格的宏伟制作和编曲。 这首歌的歌词讲述了超越障碍和挑战的爱情,以及想象力和创造力让爱情无中生有的力量。 这首歌取得了商业上的成功,在美国、加拿大和其他几个国家的排行榜上名列前茅,从此成为经典和歌迷的最爱。 它仍然是 Air Supply 最受欢迎和经久不衰的歌曲之一。 6park.com



 爱与影 6park.com

《爱与影》是一部 1994 年的浪漫剧情电影,改编自智利作家伊莎贝尔·阿连德的同名小说。 该片由贝蒂·卡普兰执导,詹妮弗·康纳利和安东尼奥·班德拉斯主演。 6park.com

故事发生在 70 年代的智利,当时处于奥古斯托·皮诺切特将军的军事独裁统治时期。 詹妮弗康纳利饰演艾琳,一位年轻的记者,她卷入了一项对政治犯失踪事件的危险调查。 安东尼奥班德拉斯饰演弗朗西斯科,艾琳的前男友,也参与了反政府运动。 6park.com

当艾琳和弗朗西斯科共同努力揭开真相时,他们重新点燃了他们的浪漫关系,这种关系因危险和动荡的政治局势而变得复杂。 这个故事是对爱情、激情和政治动荡的尖锐而戏剧性的探索,背景是一个威胁要撕裂他们生活的残酷政权的背景。 6park.com

《爱与影》的评论褒贬不一,但仍被视为智利电影的重要作品,也是詹妮弗康纳利和安东尼奥班德拉斯才华横溢的展示。 6park.com

"Of Love and Shadows" is a 1994 romantic drama film based on the novel of the same name by Chilean author Isabel Allende. The film is directed by Betty Kaplan and stars Jennifer Connelly and Antonio Banderas in the lead roles.

The story is set in Chile in the 1970s during the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Jennifer Connelly plays Irene, a young journalist who becomes involved in a dangerous investigation into the disappearance of political prisoners. Antonio Banderas plays Francisco, Irene's ex-boyfriend who is also involved in the resistance movement against the government.

As Irene and Francisco work together to uncover the truth, they rekindle their romantic relationship, which becomes complicated by the dangerous and volatile political situation. The story is a poignant and dramatic exploration of love, passion, and political turmoil, set against the backdrop of a brutal regime that threatens to tear their lives apart.

"Of Love and Shadows" received mixed reviews from critics, but is still regarded as an important work of Chilean cinema, as well as a showcase for Jennifer Connelly and Antonio Banderas' talents.

贴主:nowhere1于2023_05_06 19:52:33编辑

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