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《Yesterday Once More》The Carpenters ***《昨日重現》粵語&普通话改编
送交者: gxrx[♂★★★✯✯✯★★★♂] 于 2022-08-28 19:42 已读 2988 次 8 赞  



歌词When I was young 6park.com

I'd listen to the radio 6park.com

Waitin' for my favorite songs 6park.com

When they played I'd sing along 6park.com

It made me smile. 6park.com

Those were such happy times 6park.com

And not so long ago 6park.com

How I wondered where they'd gone 6park.com

But they're back again 6park.com

Just like a long lost friend 6park.com

All the songs I loved so well. 6park.com

Every Sha-la-la-la 6park.com

Every Wo-o-wo-o 6park.com

Still shines 6park.com

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 6park.com

That they're startin' to sing's 6park.com

So fine. 6park.com

When they get to the part 6park.com

Where he's breakin' her heart 6park.com

It can really make me cry 6park.com

Just like before 6park.com

It's yesterday once more. 6park.com

Lookin' back on how it was 6park.com

In years gone by 6park.com

And the good times that I had 6park.com

Makes today seem rather sad 6park.com

So much has changed. 6park.com

It was songs of love that 6park.com

I would sing to then 6park.com

And I'd memorize each word 6park.com

Those old melodies 6park.com

Still sound so good to me 6park.com

As they melt the years away. 6park.com

Every Sha-la-la-la 6park.com

Every Wo-o-wo-o 6park.com

Still shines 6park.com

Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 6park.com

That they're startin' to sing's 6park.com

So fine. 6park.com

All my best memories 6park.com

Come back clearly to me 6park.com

Some can even make me cry. 6park.com

Just like before 6park.com

It's yesterday once more. 6park.com

《昨日重現》粵語 - JoJo Fong 6park.com


《昨日重現》普通话 - 蘇允 6park.com

贴主:gxrx于2022_08_28 19:43:36编辑

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