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听几首演歌 07
送交者: take01[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-02-23 8:05 已读 4081 次 2 赞  


与八代亜紀同一年龄段的歌手,有一位千秋直美,声音悦耳厚重,唱起歌来很有味道。 6park.com

有人说J-Pop是源于演歌基础而来。也许从千秋直美的歌曲里,可以看到这样的发展的痕迹。 6park.com

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作詞 吉田 旺
作曲 中村泰士
唄  ちあきなおみ 6park.com


The curtain opens as usual
Singing a love song to me
The news that arrived was that there was a black border.
That was left at the station three years ago, when you stopped it.
I jumped onto the train as it started moving.

Afternoon in a quiet town
Standing in front of the church
I was in mourning clothes, and I had lost the words to pray.

A white wall entwined with ivy
As a long shadow
Alone, I forgot even the tears I shed
In the dark waiting room, I have no one to talk to.
My song passes by in my ears

The curtain opens as usual
In the rain of light
Still I
Today too, love is singing

作詞 荒木とよひさ
作曲 浜 圭介
唄  ちあきなおみ 6park.com

The end of love is equal to the number of tears
A lullaby on your back
theatrical, self-centered
If you play the role of being fooled, you're used to it.
Ah~ Women are lonely, men are lonely too.
After being held, held, and said goodbye again and again
Always exchange happiness for memories
All I can do is cry. I'm an actor. 6park.com

If you just want to live, eat Kasumi
Tomorrow will be fine though
Beautiful times will surely be short
There will only be so much to lose. 6park.com

Ah~ Women are lonely too Men are lonely too
Even if I wash away the wounds in my heart with alcohol
Always repaint your sadness with a sigh
All I can do is cry. I'm an actor.

作詞 吉田 旺
作曲 杉本眞人
唄  ちあきなおみ 6park.com

Imitate yourself and mix it with hot water.
I'm choking on shochu.
Even though I'm not strong enough, I told him to stop.
Come and scold me, if you can.
Late at night on earth is lonely...
Can you see me from there?
You left me in this world
I'm drinking because I hate you 6park.com

You in the photo remain young
Your beautiful smile makes me smile
Since then, I have lived next to winter.
I feel like I'll even forget to smile
Late nights on Earth are painful...
Can you see me from there?
If you see it, right away, right away
I want you to come and pick me up. 6park.com

Late at night on earth is lonely...
Can you see me from there?
You left me in this world
I'm drinking because I hate you 6park.com

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