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Star Wars: Andor 主题曲-古筝cover
送交者: MintCandy[♀★★学渣糖小白★★♀] 于 2023-04-06 20:20 已读 2003 次 1 赞  


有没有人看Star Wars Andor?



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Andor (Original Score) is the score album composed by Nicholas Britell for the Disney+ science-fiction action-adventure television series Andor, the fourth live-action television series in the Star Wars franchise. The score (which was recorded over the course of two years) is notable for its prominent use of electronic instruments in much of the show's duration, in contrast to the orchestral scores in previous entries into the Star Wars franchise. The soundtrack was released in three volumes, including four episodes each to cover all twelve episodes of the first season. Volume 1 was released on October 21, with Volume 2 on November 4, and Volume 3 on December 9. The main title themes from the first three episodes were released as singles, coinciding its premiere on September 21. The score received critical acclaim with praise towards Britell's musical approach.

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