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RTX 3080显卡在运行时经常黑屏,并且造成游戏崩溃
送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-23 21:24 已读 394 次  


回答: 官宣了,RTX3090比RTX3080在4K下只快10%-15% 由 千牛卫 于 2020-09-23 21:17

https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-users-report-crashes-black-screens-during-gaming/ 6park.com

NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3080's launch has been plagued with a range of issues and as per the latest reports, buyers who did manage to get the cards at launch are now facing severe crashes during gaming. The problems have been reported at the majority of forums which include Computerbase, LinusTechTips, OCUK, and even NVIDIA's own forums. 6park.com

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Users Report Crashes & Black Screens During Gaming, Problem Specific To Custom Variants
According to various forum threads, the issue seems to be specific to the custom variants of the GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card. The main issue that is being reported is that the cards crash to the desktop while gaming which is commonly referred to as CTD. Some users have also reported black screens which are commonly associated with CTD's where the driver simply bugs out. There is no official response from NVIDIA or its AIB partners on the matter yet.
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