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送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-23 16:35 已读 297 次  


回答: Spellbreak上线三周,玩家突破5百万 由 千牛卫 于 2020-09-23 16:30

Subscription services such as Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PlayStation Now to drive cloud gaming to $4bn.
Revenues are set to increase by $8bn in four years, reaching $12bn in 2025.
Cloud gaming is finally overcoming its challenges, as it becomes a viable option for both serious and casual gamers.
Telcos have a big role to play in delivering reliable cloud gaming experiences to end-users.
New research from market analyst firm Omdia shows that cloud gaming revenues will hit $12bn by 2025. The latest outlook comes from Omdia’s Cloud Gaming and Subscription Revenue Forecast 2020-2025, an annual deep dive into the global cloud gaming market with individual forecasts for 50 countries. It predicts that in 2021 alone, the revenue generated from cloud gaming will reach $4bn, a growth rate of 188% compared to 2020. 6park.com

One of the key factors driving this growth is Microsoft’s inclusion of xCloud in the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate service – which has, overnight, allowed millions of existing subscribers to stream games. Microsoft’s focused xCloud strategy, as well as its technical capabilities and games ecosystem means the company will emerge as the clear leader in the cloud gaming category in 2021. It will however face stiff competition from Sony and Google, as well as upcoming entrants such as Amazon and – in Asia – Tencent. 6park.com

New console launches in November are set to further boost the adoption of cloud gaming services. Past launches of new consoles have closely aligned with an uptick in online services such as Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus; a similar impact is now expected with the cloud gaming-capable services Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and PlayStation Now, which Omdia expects to provide a complementary experience to console gaming. These types of services will drive the majority of revenue, with 70% coming from subscriptions in 2021, supplemented by one-off purchases and microtransactions. ‘PC in the cloud’ services such as Nvidia GeForce Now will remain a small proportion of the total, representing 7% of the market in 2025. 6park.com

As part of Omdia’s methodology for sizing the cloud gaming market, Omdia has analyzed the performance of over 20 existing game streaming services, past console launches, as well as the uptake of media streaming services to forecast a significant jump in cloud gaming revenues. Omdia has also tracked more than 120 partnerships between cloud gaming service providers and telcos, tech companies and media companies since 2017.
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