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关于微软收购B社和ID software的母公司的新闻,是一个报价,而不是结果
送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-21 8:46 已读 502 次  


https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/microsoft-to-acquire-zenimax-media-and-its-game-publisher-bethesda-softworks-301134492.html 6park.com

原文如下 6park.com

The planned acquisition includes publishing offices and development studios spanning the globe with over 2,300 employees, including Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, id Software, ZeniMax Online Studios, Arkane, MachineGames, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog, and Roundhouse Studios. Bethesda's critically acclaimed and best-selling franchises include The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein, and Dishonored, among others. 6park.com


Bethesda parent company ZeniMax Media was founded in 1999 by Chairman and CEO Robert A. Altman; Bethesda's structure and leadership will remain in place.
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